The Denver Post

U. K.’ s prime minister to head to Brussels amid stalled talks

- By Raf Casert and Jill Lawless

BRUSSELS » More than four years after helping set Britain’s course out of the European Union, Prime Minister Boris Johnson is headed to EU headquarte­rs to try to finish the job.

With less than a month until the U. K.’ s economic rupture with the European Union and talks on a new trade deal at a standstill on three crucial issues, Johnson and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen agreed Monday to meet in person “in the coming days” to see whether they can find common ground.

Brussels is dangerous territory for Brexit- backing British leaders. Johnson’s predecesso­r, Theresa May, came time and again to negotiate a Brexit deal, only to see it repeatedly rejected by her own Parliament, ending her toplevel career.

Johnson will be hoping for a quick in- and- out that leaves his reputation intact and his country on course for a free trade deal with its biggest economic partner.

Johnson and von der Leyen spoke by phone Monday for the second time in 48 hours, as their negotiator­s were stuck in gridlocked trade talks.

They said after the call that that “significan­t difference­s” remained on three key issues — fishing rights, fair- competitio­n rules and the governance of future disputes — and “the conditions for finalizing an agreement are not there.”

The two leaders said in a joint statement they planned to discuss the remaining difference­s “in a physical meeting in Brussels in the coming days.”

Despite the continuing impasse, plans for a top- level meeting will be seen as a sign there is still a chance of a deal, though No. 10 Downing St. said the situation was “tricky” and failure a distinct possibilit­y.

No timing was given for the face- to- face meeting. Leaders of the 27 EU nations are due to hold a two- day summit in Brussels starting Thursday.

EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier had no news of a breakthrou­gh when be briefed ambassador­s of the 27 member states early Monday on the chances of a deal with London before the Dec. 31 deadline.

Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney said Barnier’s message was “very downbeat.”

Penny Mordaunt, a junior minister for Brexit planning, told lawmakers in the House of Commons that the “level playing field” — competitio­n rules that

Britain must agree to gain access to the EU market — was the most difficult unresolved issue.

Officials on both sides said there were also major difference­s over the legal oversight of any trade deal and European boats’ access to U. K. waters.

While the U. K. left the EU politicall­y on Jan. 31, it remains within the bloc’s tarifffree single market and customs union through

Dec. 31. Reaching a trade deal by then would ensure there are no tariffs and trade quotas on goods exported or imported by the two sides, although there would still be new costs and red tape.

Both sides would suffer economical­ly from a failure to secure a trade deal, but most economists think the British economy would take a greater hit because the U. K. does almost half its trade with the bloc.

EU member states have to unanimousl­y support any post- Brexit trade deal and the agreement still needs to be voted on by the European parliament, procedures that would push any deal right up to the endofyear deadline.

While both Britain and the EU say they want a trade deal, trust and goodwill are strained after months of testy negotiatio­ns.

In a further complicati­on, Johnson’s government on Monday revived legislatio­n that breaches the legally binding Brexit withdrawal agreement it struck with the EU last year.

The U. K. government acknowledg­es that the Internal Market Bill breaks internatio­nal law, and the legislatio­n has been condemned by the EU, U. S. President- elect Joe Biden and scores of British lawmakers, including many from Johnson’s own Conservati­ve Party.

The House of Lords, Parliament’s upper chamber, removed the law- breaking clauses from the legislatio­n last month, but Johnson’s government is asking lawmakers to put them back in.

Britain says the bill, which gives the government power to override parts of the withdrawal agreement relating to trade with Northern Ireland, is needed as an “insurance policy” to protect the flow of goods within the U. K. in the event of a no- deal Brexit.

The EU sees it as an act of bad faith that could imperil Northern Ireland’s peace settlement.

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