The Denver Post

How Americans in their 20s started saving for retirement

- By Elizabeth Harris

When Dray Farley was 15, he watched a video his favorite gamer had posted on YouTube. But it wasn’t about Call of Duty.

“It was how to get rich in 22 years, and the general math and concept of compound interest, the snowball effect, and how eventually your gains are making gains,” Farley said. “And that’s what first got me thinking about retirement accounts.”

Farley, now 21 and completing his final semester at Cornell, knows his middle and high school gaming habit was an unlikely path to an interest in saving and investing. But after his own college experience and internship were disrupted by the coronaviru­s pandemic last spring, he said he valued saving even more.

“It’s really reinforced my motivation for it, and also the need to stay discipline­d and persevere through any panics,” he said.

Ample savings can be the safest hedge against uncertaint­y. At a time when the nation’s economy is faltering and virus cases are surging, padding a rainyday fund may boost confidence and ease anxiety. For some 20- somethings who are developing saving habits early and starting to think about planning for retirement, the act of saving anything at all can create an immediate sense of security.

“If there’s a silver lining to some of the instabilit­y and uncertaint­y in the world — it might cause some folks to save more,” said Hal Hershfield, an associate professor of marketing and behavioral decisionma­king at the UCLA Anderson School of Management. “These are unquestion­ably bad things that are happening in the world, but to the extent that the recognitio­n that income and job stability are not a guarantee, there may be awareness that things can change overnight.”

That was the case for many Americans last spring, when the coronaviru­s pandemic hit with little warning, sickening millions and causing jobs and incomes to vanish. With people compelled to stay home and spending less, the average saving rate jumped to 33.7% in April after hovering in the 7% to 8% range for the prior three years, according to the U. S. Bureau of Economic Analysis. It later tapered to a more moderate, but still high, 13.6% in October.

Some younger Americans have learned a few key lessons that are helping them save for retirement — as far away as that might feel.

Save big by not spending

Saving as much as possible has been a consistent goal for Mike Cassar, a 28year- old insurance defense lawyer who became focused on retirement planning as soon as he landed his first job in 2017 in Michigan. Since then, he has managed to salt away a whopping amount: more than 70% of his income.

The key, he said, was keeping expenses low. He avoided taking on student loan debt by choosing a law school that offered him a scholarshi­p covering 75% of his tuition and lived with his parents. After law school, he stayed on a tight budget, renting a small apartment in a building near the Michigan State campus, outside Lansing, filled mostly with college students. He drove a Ford Focus. And he socked away cash, watching his savings grow to more than $ 200,000 in retirement, investment and savings accounts.

More recently, Cassar has reached some personal milestones — some of them funded by those savings: He got married last September and bought a house in the Detroit suburb of Farmington Hills. He and his wife, Emily, 28, a nurse, save roughly half their income for retirement. And they feel secure.

Clear away debt

Eliminatin­g debt was the first step to building a sense of security for Kelly Edwards, 27, a manager in Ernst & Young’s technology consulting practice.

Edwards vividly remembers Super Bowl Sunday in 2018: She was holed up in a hotel room in Northern Michigan, in town to work for a client. A snowstorm swirled outside. Away from her friends at home in Denver, the solitude — and being stuck in a storm — caused her to reflect on her financial life. Between student loans and a car loan, she was carrying more than $ 32,000 in debt. And her savings were insufficie­nt.

“I felt powerless and thought, ‘ What is it that I can do differentl­y to change the situation?’ ” she asked herself.

So she made a plan: Pay off her loans — ahead of schedule — and automate her contributi­ons to retirement savings. She drafted a personal balance sheet, recording her assets and liabilitie­s.

“I don’t like the idea of being financiall­y beholden,”

Edwards said. “It gives me a feeling of discomfort, and having debt was as much of a mental block as anything.” She is now debt free.

Paying off her loans and deciding to be more deliberate about saving now color every financial decision Edwards makes. She maxed out contributi­ons to her 401( k), Roth IRA and health savings accounts, and opened taxable investment accounts — all partly enabled by living in smaller and smaller apartments. When she wants to splurge on something, she redeems credit card points that she racked up while traveling for work — which entirely covered a pre- pandemic trip to Ireland.

“I couldn’t care less what the markets did,” Edwards said. At her age, she said, “I’ve got time on my side, as long as I follow my playbook.”

Get an early start

Creating a savings habit early was the cornerston­e of Farley’s financial plan. He has kept the instructio­n about compound interest from the video in mind, setting goals to save what he could from his summer jobs and, more recently, internship­s. He started slowly, opening his first brokerage account when he was 19, managing to save only enough to buy two shares of an S& P 500 index fund.

“Most of the time, I barely have any money to invest,” Farley said. But he earmarked his resident adviser stipend from one year of school and income from his internship­s the last two summers for just that purpose. “I have been fixated on putting in as much as I can, as soon as I can, into securities.”

He plans to continue saving after he graduates in December, and will start a job in February as a software engineer for a financial software company. If anything, living through the strained period of the pandemic has galvanized Farley’s plan to keep saving to protect himself — and the family he anticipate­s having one day.

“If something like the pandemic were to happen again, if I were to lose my job, it wouldn’t be a huge burden on me or my family,” Farley said. “Like who knows when it could happen, if I’m like 35, and have a house?”

 ?? York Times Co. Daniel Brenner, © The New ?? Kelly Edwards, who paid off her loans and automated her contributi­ons to retirement savings, at her apartment in Denver in November.
York Times Co. Daniel Brenner, © The New Kelly Edwards, who paid off her loans and automated her contributi­ons to retirement savings, at her apartment in Denver in November.

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