The Denver Post

Gardening 101: Best cultivatio­n practices

- By Joan Morris

Sure, there’s still snow on the ground and we’re a ways off from planting season. But it’s never too early to think about it, no matter where you live.

Having the right soil and right amount of water goes a long way toward having a successful vegetable garden, whether you’re planting in ground beds or containers on your patio.

Master Gardener Janet Miller answered many of the questions that arose during a recent Gardening 101 webinar.

Q. What’s the best way of dealing with heavy, heavy clay soil?

A. Clay soils are rich in nutrients, but thick and difficult to dig through. To help break up the clay, amend the soil with compost. It could take several seasons to get the soil to the point you want it.

Q. How do you know how much to water your plants?

A. It depends on your soil, where the plants are located (full sun or shade), and the type of plants you grow. For most vegetables, you want to water deeply, not frequently.

To test how far down the water is going and how saturated the beds are, buy a soil probe that lets you pull out an 18- to 24-inch core sample. Good saturation will show the soil moist, but not dripping wet, throughout.

Q. We have a composter to which we add old veggies, egg shells, coffee grounds, etc. How do I know when the compost is ready to use?

A. When the material inside has the look and feel of crumbly soil. Be sure to feed and water your compost and stir it regularly.

Q. I have hard pack soil in a new garden area. Do I need to break it up, or can I install a raised bed on top?

A. Loosen the top couple of inches of soil so the roots from your plants will have an easier time getting through, and the water will drain and not pool. Then you can install raised beds.

Q. I’m digging up soil to begin a garden and wondering, when can I cut a tree root and when should I not?

A. In general, avoid cutting roots that are more than 2 inches in diameter and don’t cut more than 20% of visible abovegroun­d roots. If it is a persistent problem and you are concerned about the health of the tree, consult a licensed arborist.

Q. I’m planning to replace my lawn with a rock garden with a few native plants. The area has a maximum of three to f ive hours of sun. Should I do sheet mulch or remove the sod?

A. Sheet mulching is a great time saver. It will kill your lawn and leave a nice planting medium for native plants.

 ?? Getty Images ?? Give thought to preparing your soil before spring.
Getty Images Give thought to preparing your soil before spring.

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