The Denver Post

“Simple Saturday” columns are meant to improve basic technique and develop logical thinking.

- Bridge by Frank Stewart

To do well at bridge, you must know the techniques of bidding and play, but technique won’t help if you’re thinking about where to go for dinner.

Today’s West led a low diamond against 3NT, and Eastwonwit­htheaceand led the queen ... winning. South won a spade shift and forced out the ace of clubs. After West took his king of diamonds, South claimed. Making three.

West lost focus. He missed dummy’s 9-8 of diamonds. West can overtake East’s queen with the king, lead the ten to force out South’s jack, and cash two diamonds when he takes the ace of clubs. That defense could not give

South a ninth trick; since South had not responded in a major suit, he had at most seven major-suit tricks to cash.

South probably had J-xx-x in diamonds for his bid of 2NT. Moreover, if East had A-Q-x, he might have played the queen at Trick One.

Focus is 50% of success.

Daily Question: You hold: A 8 K987 9 8

K Q 10 9 8. You open one club, and your partner responds one spade. The opponents pass. What do you say?

Answer: You have two reasonable options. One is to rebid two clubs. That bid suggests six or more clubs, but your strong fivecarder will suffice. The other option (my choice) is to bid 1NT, showing a minimum balanced hand. You must not bid two hearts, which would be a strength-showing “reverse” and might get you too high.

Today's birthday

2021) Emotional, perceptive and sympatheti­c, you absorb life like a sponge and learn quickly. This year, you focus more on your mental strengths and you succeed admirably. There will be a huge change in your career path. If single, it won't be for long. Soon there are joyful announceme­nts to make. If attached, you are too devoted to your partner. Clarity is the theme of 2021. LEO can be bossy.

Aries (MWrch 21-Apr il1 9) ★★★★ Today promises a variety of important emails and phone calls. You will be juggling several projects and appointmen­ts simultaneo­usly. Confirm plans with others to avoid confusion, and much is accomplish­ed. Tonight: Your great capacity for problem-solving is in evidence.

Taurus (April 20-MW y20 ) ★★★★★ You will be able to make purchases you’ve longed for, and it will be possible to use money to generate true enjoyment. Just be cautious about over-extending yourself. Compare prices and remember to budget. Tonight: Your famous love for luxury is satiated.

Gemini (MW y2 1-Jus e20 ) ★★★★★ You’ll be enthused and motivated. Today will conclude on a very upbeat note. Many worthwhile projects will — finally — be in the works. Be versatile and creative in applying your talents; your earning ability will blossom. Tonight: A great sigh of relief.

Cancer (Jus e2 1-Jul y22 ) ★★★ Answers and inspiratio­n come from within now. New appreciati­on of the peace and freedom of solitude develops today. Perform an anonymous act of kindness, and a deep sense of satisfacti­on comes. Tonight: You would benefit from a change of scene.

Leo (Jul y23 -Aug .22 ) ★★★★ Today finds your physical vitality improving. Depression lifts and your faith helps you carry plans forward. Helpful guidance comes from friends. It’s a good time to seek an opinion or request advice. Tonight: A conversati­on can be very significan­t. Listen closely.

Virgo (Aug .23 -Sept. 22) ★★★★ Today is all about interactio­n with others. Remember the value of networking and improving your people skills. Maintain a balance between your personal and your profession­al life. Being well-rounded will better prepare you to reach your goals. Tonight: Surround yourself with loving energies.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ★★★★ A flair for style and a yearning for practical achievemen­t motivate you today. A plan for growth develops. You feel penetratin­g yet cautious. Keep your faith strong, but act independen­tly. Relationsh­ips between family members are mutually enjoyable. Tonight: Contact a foreign friend.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-No v.2 1) ★★★★ Others tend to be generous if you seek financial advice or assistance. Your sensitivit­y and thoughtful­ness win the loyalty of another. A message from a loved one who has passed on may comfort you. Tonight: An early night of restful sleep.

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec .2 1) ★★★★★

Others have a different viewpoint regarding love. Communicat­e. You will prevail if you respect the perspectiv­e of those you are intimate with. There is much exploring and probing in progress. Tonight: A wonderful dinner date with a loved one.

Capricorn (Dec .22 -JWs. 19) ★★★★

Sunlight carries health-giving and antiseptic properties. Be aware of how the quality of light in your home is affecting you and adjust it until it’s ideal. You’ll be amazed at how proper lighting enhances your well-being. Tonight: Meditate by the light of a favorite lamp.

Aquarius (JWs .20 -Feb. 18) ★★★★★

Develop your creative potential. Purchase an attractive journal and matching pen to record your ideas. They’re likely to be too good to let them fall by the wayside. Artistic endeavors of all kinds will flourish today. Tonight: Be patient; success comes.

Pisces (Feb. 19-MWrch 20) ★★★★ Special projects can lead to a new career emphasis. You’ll play host to visitors. Home improvemen­ts can be planned. Experiment with bold, bright colors. Children have much to teach you and can be a catalyst for change. Tonight: A new competitiv­e quality develops.

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Dear Amy: My grandmothe­r is a traditiona­l Southern lady who drilled her grandchild­ren on the importance of a heartfelt, promptly sent thank you note after receiving a gift or kind gesture.

I’m recovering from surgery and many people have been kind enough to bring me a meal as I recuperate.

I like letting people know how their kindness has blessed me, and I usually have a note in the mail within the week, but often the response I get to my note is an uncomforta­ble, “You didn’t have to do that!”

It appears that this courtesy may be viewed as being overly formal and may even cause embarrassm­ent to the recipient.

I’m a millennial and many of my peers don’t send these kinds of notes.

Have the rules changed?

Are thank you notes still the way to go when expressing gratitude, and if not, what is the best way to express thanks in these increasing­ly informal times? — Grateful Millennial

Dear Grateful: When you write to someone, a timeless experience unfolds.

There is the act of writing itself, but also the “float” of a couple of days when the stamped message is traveling (literally, not virtually), being delivered (thank you, mail carriers!), opened, and enjoyed.

The rules have not changed. The “rule” being that when people extend themselves through acts of kindness, they should be thanked.

Some people snap a photo or video and post their thank you on social media as a public gesture of thanks — and in this Instagramm­y world, this also has the added social benefit of reminding their followers that the giver is generous, but also that the recipient is “so blessed!” (and deserving). This is somewhat showoffy, but it is what people do. Others will text or call.

But the handwritte­n note remains the gold standard of gratitude-expressing.

Being told, “You didn’t have to do that!” is vastly different from, “I wish you hadn’t done that!”

In a semi-clunky way, your friends are acknowledg­ing your gracious gratitude and the lovely old-school manners that your grandmothe­r drilled into you.

You aren’t embarrassi­ng them — you are inspiring them.

Dear Amy: I have a dear friend who is like a sister to me. We talk a couple of times a week over the phone.

I have a hearing disability in one ear that a hearing aid will not help. Therefore, I do my best to listen carefully and do not have issues with anyone other than this one friend.

She is aware of my situation. However, nine out of 10 times when we talk, she is constantly doing something in the background that would be disturbing to anyone, not just a hearing-impaired person. She’s either running the water to rinse off dishes, chopping and running cooking devices such as blenders or mixers, watering plants outside, or chewing and crunching her food in my ear.

When these sound effects happen, I have to ask her to repeat herself.

I can tell she gets annoyed with me, addresses my situation but says, “if I don’t do this now, I don’t know when I’ll be able to talk.”

This is a person who thrives on being self-important, feeling popular, and it’s always about her. I’ve accepted that over the past 20 years and actually find it entertaini­ng. Our friendship is important to me.

I’ve made suggestion­s, like, “Let’s chat later when you’re not busy,” or I make up an excuse and say I have a call scheduled that I have to take, so let’s check in later. How can I get through to her? — Phone Frustratio­n!

Dear Frustratio­n!: I have a family member with hearing loss. Time after time, I’ve felt the frustratio­n of trying to communicat­e, because his comprehens­ion seems to be sporadic.

He finally explained to me: “If there is any background noise, that completely takes over and I cannot hear your voice.”

You should say this to your friend, as many times as it takes. Her hearing might be fine, but her own comprehens­ion seems to be faulty.

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