The Denver Post

The smart way to grow roses

- By eirgiret goicr

Roses have a reputation for being difficult to grow and disease-prone. But who’s really to blame?

We are, said Peter E. Kukielski, a rosarian and the author of “Rosa: The Story of the Rose,” a new book about the flower’s place in human cultural history. After the genus Rosa had survived some 35 million years on the planet, it took us less than a century to render it less resilient than it had to have been to stick around that long.

It’s no surprise that Kukielski doesn’t recommend a diet of synthetic fertilizer, or propping roses up with pesticides and fungicides if spider mites or black spot threaten. As a curator at the New York Botanical Garden, he won attention for his work from 2008 to 2014 on the Peggy Rockefelle­r Rose Garden — an approach that involved planting and trialing roses for disease resistance, using fewer chemicals. That served as research for his first book, “Roses Without Chemicals: 150 DiseaseFre­e Varieties That Will Change the Way You Grow Roses.”

“When I first did the garden revamp,” he said, “choices of disease-resistant roses were kind of limited.”

But now there are many more roses bred with that intent, he said: “The rose world woke up to the idea that gardeners don’t want to rely on chemicals to grow their favorite flowers.”

Matching roses to regions. That pink rose on the latest catalog cover looks delicious, but wait: How would it fare where you garden, compared to similar-looking varieties?

“A rose is a rose is a rose …

not,” Kukielski said. “Choosing the right one for your climate region can make for instant success. But the wrong rose will constantly be diminished, and the home gardener may give up.”

Fortunatel­y, he said, more companies are now educating customers about which regions a variety is best suited to: “It’s certainly an advance from where we were even five years ago.”

Breeders (on their wholesale websites) and retailers (on their consumer-focused ones) often make it possible to filter varieties by regional adaptabili­ty and disease resistance. So rose-shopping gardeners take note — and do your homework.

And the winner is … There is no better proof of a plant’s durability than having data on what happens when it’s put to the test of multiyear garden trials in diverse regions. One program currently underway is the American Rose Trials for Sustainabi­lity, which Kukielski co-founded, taking place at Longwood Gardens, the Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College, Tucson Botanicals Gardens and university cooperativ­e extension sites around the country, where roses are subjected to the challenge of no-spray environmen­ts, and offered no help from pesticides and fungicides.

Another is the American Garden Rose Selections Trials, with testing sites at Queens Botanical Garden, Chicago Botanic Garden and other places in diverse zones.

Both programs publish results and recommende­d varieties every year.

For local informatio­n, try asking at garden centers with landscapin­g businesses, where employees may be able to recommend varieties that perform well for clients near you.

Or talk to the local rose society, Kukielski suggested, and neighbors who garden: “If the person down the street is growing Queen Elizabeth and it looks great, take that as a cue.”

Companion planting. Kukielski’s definition of a modern rose garden at any scale: “Not a monocultur­e, but a mixed border.”

Into his rose beds he layers a long season of companion plants, using a heavy hand, with emphasis on flower types preferred by beneficial insects (pollinator­s, predators and parasites alike). Grouping multiple plants of a single variety makes for a more inviting appearance than scattering one-offs around.

Of course, there are the classic rose companions: the chartreuse froth of lady’s mantle (Alchemilla mollis) or catmint (Nepeta), with Clematis scrambling up the shrubs. A range of Allium — from tiny yellow-flowered A. moly to towering purple Globemaste­r — and, later, self-sowing annual Verbena bonariensi­s (a butterfly favorite) make big statements.

But Kukielski also likes the umbel-shaped flowers of carrot family members, which are attractive to many beneficial insects — including, he hopes, tachinid flies, particular­ly one species imported in the 1920s as a biological control from Japan, where it is a natural enemy of the Japanese beetle that is a scourge to roses.

He is also partial to dill’s yellow umbels, its ferny texture and its inclinatio­n to sow around. And he allows cilantro to flower and self-sow along garden edges.

Feed the soil, not the plants. Think healthy soil, not bagged fertilizer, Kukielski advised. “When I stopped feeding my roses and started feeding the soil,” he said, “the rose garden became a lot easier.”

He was inspired by the EarthKind methods promoted by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. The inspiratio­n for the soil-management practice, as he translates it: “Think forest floor, where nobody fertilizes but leaves fall, that then break down and feed plants.”

To mimic that process, he puts down 3 inches of mulch, maybe an inch of which has decomposed into humus by season’s end, benefiting soil health and fertility.

“Just top up the mulch again next spring — but don’t disturb the soil,” he said. “Once we started doing that at NYBG you could just tell that the plants were happier. There was a big difference by Year 3.”

 ?? Peter E. Kukielski, © The New York Times Co. ?? It’s the season for ordering roses. Here’s how to choose the right ones — and how to grow them sustainabl­y once you’ve got them.
Peter E. Kukielski, © The New York Times Co. It’s the season for ordering roses. Here’s how to choose the right ones — and how to grow them sustainabl­y once you’ve got them.

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