The Denver Post

Perspectiv­e: Vaccine passports would get us back to normal faster»

- By Faye Flam Faye Flam is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist and host of the podcast “Follow the Science.”

There’s some scientific justificat­ion for using vaccine passports to allow vaccinated people back into restaurant­s, movie theaters and other indoor spaces. But so far, the Biden administra­tion has declined to impose government standards for such certificat­es. Without a uniform standard, it may be hard for individual restaurant­s or other businesses to collect proof of vaccine status. This could hobble the reopening effort and slow the return to normal life.

One major barrier is the ongoing communicat­ion problem in the U.S. Here, the public health community has chosen to advocate for blunt rules, rather than offer frank communicat­ion about relative risks. Experts have then blamed Americans for being too “individual­istic” to follow the rules.

Passports would require a layer of nuanced communicat­ion that has so far been lacking, as well as a different approach to rule-making. People’s risk varies a lot by age and health status, so what’s reasonably safe for one person might not be for another.

The whole premise of vaccine passports rests on the growing scientific evidence that vaccines not only offer protection from getting sick, they also significan­tly cut down the risk of getting a mild or asymptomat­ic case and transmitti­ng the virus to others. But vaccines aren’t perfect — that means vaccinated people at very high risk of death from COVID-19 could enjoy dining and entertainm­ent in a safer way if they’re only in contact with other vaccinated people.

A restaurant where everyone is vaccinated offers a much-diminished risk — but given the unknowns associated with new variants, it’s not zero. “Nothing is foolproof, but I do think you dramatical­ly lessen our chances of getting the virus when you come into contact with someone who is vaccinated rather than someone who is not,” says physician and vaccine expert Paul Offit of Children’s Hospital of Philadelph­ia.

Explaining that is challengin­g, but it doesn’t take extreme nuance to consider the different needs of an 80-yearold obese diabetic and those of a 22year-old who lives alone.

Vaccine passports could have all kinds of emotional and economic benefits, as well as public health ones. The EU is considerin­g vaccine passports to encourage summer tourism, and some airlines are starting to use them to help travelers enjoy more freedom at their destinatio­ns.

Harvey Rubin, an infectious disease expert at the University of Pennsylvan­ia, said that the current CDC guidelines actually do function as a kind of vaccine passport. “If you’re vaccinated you can hug your grandchild­ren, and have mask-less meetings,” he says. “So we are moving towards something like a vaccine passport,” though it’s an unwritten social contract.

The CDC could go further in this direction, offering some guidance on safer ways to travel — a more nuanced message than CDC’s continued advice against unnecessar­y travel. Certainly, staying with friends who are also vaccinated and doing outdoor activities should be safer for individual­s and better for public health than gathering in large crowds. Vaccinatio­n and vaccine passports aren’t just about mitigating personal risk, of course. There are broader public health concerns. Offit suggests that vaccinated people still have a moral obligation to continue masking and distancing. “Over the next two months, thousands of people are going to die in part because they have not gotten a vaccine — because they could not get it or don’t want to get it,” he says. Once everyone who wants a vaccine can get one, the moral and safety equations will change. Vaccine passports could help bridge the gap until we get there.

It’s been too easy for public health officials to deflect blame for failed policies onto a disobedien­t public. We obey rules about smoking and driving. Public health rules and even vaccine passports can work if they’re used in a way that’s reasonable and fair, and delivered with smart, compassion­ate messages about the good they can do for high-risk people who’ve been shut in for more than a year.

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