The Denver Post

Our racial disparitie­s study will inform prosecutor­s’ future work

- By Beth McCann Beth McCann is the district attorney for Denver.

There are a disproport­ionate number of people of color in the criminal justice system. Our nation’s history of “getting tough on crime” resulted in mass incarcerat­ion that makes us the internatio­nal leader in incarcerat­ion rates. This is a complicate­d issue with many causes, but when I took office I wanted to examine the role of the Denver District Attorney’s Office to learn what we could do to ensure fair justice for all – victims of crime, community members and defendants.

It is important for prosecutor­s, as key participan­ts in the system, to be transparen­t in our work and to engage in self-reflection. In 2017, I took the unusual step of commission­ing an independen­t study that resulted in a report made public last week titled, Racial Disparitie­s in Prosecutor­ial Outcomes.

I was pleased, but not surprised, that the study did not find racial or ethnic disparitie­s in our general resolution of cases (about 71% of total cases reviewed). However, the study pointed out that people of different races or ethnicitie­s had different outcomes in the areas of deferred judgments (4% of total cases reviewed) in which a defendant pleads guilty but the case is deferred for two years and then dismissed with successful completion of probation, dismissals (12% of total cases reviewed) and drug court (13% of total cases reviewed).

The study did not address why those disparitie­s exist. The next step for the office is to drill down further to examine the involved cases to determine the reasons for plea negotiatio­n dispositio­ns.

The study has given us areas on which to focus. Once we have more informatio­n, we will be in a position to determine the next steps to ensure equitable considerat­ion for all.

There are many reasons for certain resolution­s in criminal cases. For example, a witness may recant or decide not to testify or a person may have pled guilty to a case in another jurisdicti­on so the Denver case was dismissed. The study describes a case in which a defense attorney discourage­d a prosecutor from offering his client a deferred judgment because doing so would be “setting my guy up to fail” due to issues of homelessne­ss and mental health. We are currently in negotiatio­ns with outside researcher­s to assist us in gathering this additional data so we can take steps to understand and address any racial or ethnic disparitie­s in case dispositio­ns.

Behind the thousands of cases the Denver DA’s Office handles each year are dedicated public servants who believe in the rule of law, who care about our community and crime victims, and who are tasked with doing what is right in a cumbersome and multi-faceted system. I have full confidence in the outstandin­g people who work in the office, but for the community to trust that we are ethical public servants, committed to equity and fairness, we must be transparen­t in our work and commit to continuous improvemen­t. I hope that by releasing this study, we are making a good faith effort to do exactly that.

Because prosecutor­s hold great power to determine how justice is both administer­ed and perceived by the community, we shared the study with the other statewide elected district attorneys and staff during a conference last week that we hosted with the Colorado District Attorneys Council. The depth of discussion surroundin­g race and justice by small, medium and large jurisdicti­ons, Republican­s and Democrats, was remarkable and something we can all be proud of as Coloradans. In contrast, Virginia’s district attorneys are so politicall­y fractured that there is talk of forming separate DA associatio­ns. The conference was an important first step in examining the role of the prosecutor in addressing racial disparitie­s in the system.

What then are next steps? Now that we know the areas of focus, I intend to take a deeper look at the data to see what more it can tell us about why certain defendants have different outcomes. We will work with the courts, public defenders and the community to examine eligibilit­y criteria to participat­e in a diversion program, deferred judgment or specialty court.

We also know that we need to continue with our diversity, equity and inclusion efforts and offer more training and education office-wide. In addition, we now have processes in place so that when a case presented to us contains questionab­le police behavior we will address it with the Denver Police Department. I am grateful that Denver Police Chief Pazen is a willing and excellent partner in this effort.

Ultimately, the gift of this research is that it is sparking conversati­on and thoughtful considerat­ion about our work and mission. The people of Denver have entrusted me and my office with the constituti­onal duty of advancing a society that holds people accountabl­e for their criminal actions and strives for justice and equity for victims and defendants of all races and ethnic background­s. It is an awesome responsibi­lity and one that I take very seriously. I look forward to building on the results of this study to learn as much as we can and to take the necessary steps to address the areas of concern.

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