The Denver Post

Speaking of holding our noses


Re: “Trump’s good policy,” April 13 letter to the editor

The letter writer states Trump voters held their noses in voting for someone not meeting their moral standards but meeting their policies. Not only that, they covered their eyes and plugged their ears, electing a president whose own dangerous reality was and is far from the truth, like the “Big Lie” that the last election was stolen. Remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous words to be judged not by the color of skin but the content of character. Character and policy are not mutually exclusive.

Jerry Witt, Commerce City


The letter writer says “... what Biden is doing is not good for America.”

Let’s review: The current president competentl­y oversees the distributi­on of COVID-19 vaccines to millions of Americans. His predecesso­r? “Competent” doesn’t come to mind, but denial and delusion do. The current president has passed COVID stimulus to help the country recover from one of the worst crises we’ve ever seen. (I know small business owners who say they are close to being whole due to this round of stimulus).

He is working to pass an infrastruc­ture bill that would create jobs and repair our roads and bridges. Some critics cry “too expensive,” but that rings hollow after Trump’s unnecessar­y tax cuts for the wealthy.

Oh, and Biden didn’t try to steal an election, incite an insurrecti­on, and isn’t up all night tweeting inflammato­ry rhetoric that divides us.

So, which president was/is more dangerous to America? This is what competent, reasonable, mainstream leadership looks like. And why Joe Biden was elected.

Tim Walmer, Littleton

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