The Denver Post

A court designated Alexei Navalny’s political movement as extremist.

- By Vladimir Isachenkov

A court on Wednesday night outlawed the organizati­ons founded by Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny by labeling them extremist, the latest move in a campaign to silence dissent and bar Kremlin critics from running for parliament in September.

The Moscow City Court’s ruling, effective immediatel­y, prevents people associated with Navalny’s Foundation for Fighting Corruption and his sprawling regional network from seeking public office. Many of Navalny’s allies had hoped to run for parliament­ary seats in the Sept. 19 election.

The ruling, part of a multiprong­ed Kremlin strategy to steamroll the opposition, sends a tough message one week before President Vladimir Putin holds a summit meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden in Geneva.

The extremism label also carries lengthy prison terms for activists who have worked with the organizati­ons, anyone who donated to them and even those who simply shared the groups’ materials.

Navalny, Putin’s most ardent political foe, was arrested in January upon returning from Germany, where he spent five months recovering from a nerve agent poisoning that he blames on the Kremlin — an accusation that Russian officials reject. In February, Navalny was given a 2½-year prison term for violating the terms of a suspended sentence from a 2014 embezzleme­nt conviction that he dismissed as politicall­y motivated.

In a statement posted on his Instagram account after the verdict, Navalny denounced the hearing as a travesty of justice and vowed to continue defying the Kremlin.

“When corruption is the foundation of the government, fighters against corruption are cast as extremists,” the statement said. “We will not abandon our goals and ideas. It’s our country, and we don’t have another one.”

The court session, lasting more than 12 hours, was held behind closed doors on grounds that classified materials would be discussed. The judge rejected a defense appeal to allow Navalny to take part via a video link from prison and dismissed other motions by the defense.

Lawyer Yevgeny Smirnov said during the hearing that the prosecutor­s’ motion was intended to bar Navalny’s associates from running for public office. “This case has been linked to the law that bans all those who are connected with the Foundation for Fighting Corruption from getting elected,” Smirnov said.

Lawyers said they would appeal the ruling. Navalny’s offices in dozens of Russian regions shut down in April after prosecutor­s issued an injunction to suspend their activities pending the court ruling, but the opposition leader’s associates have vowed to continue their work in different formats.

His foundation, started 10 years ago, has relentless­ly targeted senior government officials with colorful and widely watched videos that detail corruption allegation­s against them. One of its latest production­s, which has received 117 million views on YouTube, claimed that a lavish palace on the shores of the Black Sea was built for Putin through an elaborate corruption scheme. The Kremlin has denied any links to Putin.

Navalny also has relied on his offices across Russia to organize anti-Kremlin protests and implement his Smart Voting strategy — a project to support the candidates most likely to defeat those from the Kremlin’s dominant United Russia party in various elections.

During the hearing, prosecutor­s accused Navalny’s organizati­ons of staging protests to overthrow the government.

As the Moscow court was preparing to consider the case, Russian lawmakers fasttracke­d a measure that banned members of organizati­ons declared extremist from running for public office. The law was signed by Putin last week, and combined with the court ruling it will dash the hopes of several Navalny associates who have declared their intention to run for parliament.

Ivan Zhdanov, a top Navalny associate who led his foundation, vowed that the team will continue publishing exposes of corrupt officials and apply the Smart Voting strategy.

“Navalny’s team will not stop its activities; they shouldn’t hope for that,” Zhdanov, who lives abroad, told the independen­t Dozhd TV.

The September vote is widely seen as an important part of Putin’s efforts to cement his rule before the 2024 presidenti­al election. The 68-year-old leader, who has been in power for more than two decades, pushed through constituti­onal changes last year that would potentiall­y allow him to hold onto power until 2036.

Before the vote, the government has targeted other opposition figures as well. Last week, authoritie­s arrested Andrei Pivovarov, the leader of another anti-Kremlin group that they have labeled “undesirabl­e” — a designatio­n used by the Kremlin to outlaw more than 30 groups.

Days before his arrest, Pivovarov announced the dissolutio­n of his Open Russia movement to protect members from prosecutio­n.

 ?? Ivan Petrov, Associated Press file ?? Municipal workers paint over a mural of Russia's imprisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny in April in St. Petersburg, Russia. The worlds on the wall reading “Hero of our time.”
Ivan Petrov, Associated Press file Municipal workers paint over a mural of Russia's imprisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny in April in St. Petersburg, Russia. The worlds on the wall reading “Hero of our time.”

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