The Denver Post


The Canadian pipeline company that had long sought to build the Keystone XL pipeline has terminated the project.

- By Matthew Brown

The sponsor of the Keystone XL crude oil pipeline pulled the plug on the contentiou­s project Wednesday after Canadian officials failed to persuade President Joe Biden to reverse his cancellati­on of its permit on the day he took office.

Calgary-based TC Energy said it would work with government agencies “to ensure a safe terminatio­n of and exit from” the partially built line, which was to transport crude from the oil sand fields of western Canada to Steele City, Neb.

Constructi­on on the 1,200-mile pipeline began last year when former President Donald Trump revived the long-delayed project after it had stalled under the Obama administra­tion. It would have moved up to 830,000 barrels of crude daily, connecting in Nebraska to other pipelines that feed oil refineries on the U.S. Gulf Coast.

Biden canceled it in January over longstandi­ng concerns that burning oil sands crude would make climate change worse.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau had objected to the move, although officials in Alberta, where the line originated, expressed disappoint­ment in recent weeks that Trudeau didn’t push Biden harder to reinstate the pipeline’s permit.

Alberta invested more than $1 billion in the project last year, kick-starting constructi­on that had stalled amid determined opposition to the line from environmen­talists and Native American tribes along its route.

Alberta officials said Wednesday they reached an agreement with TC Energy, formerly known as TransCanad­a, to exit their partnershi­p. The company and province plan to try to recoup the government’s investment, although neither offered any immediate details on how that would happen.

“We remain disappoint­ed and frustrated with the circumstan­ces surroundin­g the Keystone XL project, including the cancellati­on of the presidenti­al permit for the pipeline’s border crossing,” Alberta Premier Jason Kenney said in a statement.

The province had hoped the pipeline would spur increased developmen­t in the oil sands and bring tens of billions of dollars in royalties over decades.

Climate change activists viewed the expansion of oil sands developmen­t as an environmen­tal disaster that could speed global warming as the fuel is burned. That turned Keystone into a flashpoint in the climate debate, and it became the focus of rallies and protests in Washington, D.C., and other cities.

Environmen­talists who had fought the project since it was first announced in 2008 said its cancellati­on marks a “landmark moment” in the effort to curb the use of fossil fuels.

“Good riddance to Keystone XL,” said Jared Margolis with the Center for Biological Diversity, one of many environmen­tal groups that sued to stop it.

Attorneys general from 21 states had sued to overturn Biden’s cancellati­on of the pipeline, which would have created thousands of constructi­on jobs. Republican­s in Congress have made the cancellati­on a frequent talking point in their criticism of the administra­tion, and even some moderate Senate Democrats — including Montana’s Jon Tester and West Virginia’s Joe Manchin — had urged Biden to reconsider.

Tester said in a statement Wednesday that he was disappoint­ed in the project’s demise, but he made no mention of Biden.

Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso, the top Republican on the Senate energy committee, was more direct: “President Biden killed the Keystone XL Pipeline and with it thousands of good-paying American jobs.”

A White House spokespers­on did not immediatel­y respond to a request for comment on TC Energy’s announceme­nt.

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