The Denver Post

Reasons to defend awful speech

- By Michelle Goldberg Michelle Goldberg has been an opinion columnist for The New York Times since 2017.

Ihave a foggy childhood memory of being home sick from school and watching the 1981 movie “Skokie.” It tells the story of a planned neo-Nazi march through Skokie, Illinois, a suburb full of Holocaust survivors, and the Jewish American Civil Liberties Union lawyer, based on David Goldberger, who defended the Nazis on free speech grounds.

Little of the film has remained with me except for awe at the ACLU’s position. The odiousness of those it defended proved the purity of its devotion to the First Amendment. I’ve revered the organizati­on ever since.

It would be hard to make a similar movie about Charlottes­ville, Virginia, where the ACLU helped an alt-right leader retain a permit to rally downtown in August 2017. In retrospect, part of the reason the Skokie case seemed clear cut, at least to my childhood self, was that the Nazis posed little physical danger to anyone. There were only 20 or so of them, and they were utterly marginal; no leading political figure called them very fine people. The stakes in the Skokie debate were symbolic. In Charlottes­ville, where a white nationalis­t riot led to a woman’s murder, they were life and death.

Thinking about the contrast, I can understand why the free speech libertaria­nism that I grew up with has fallen out of fashion. As The New York Times’ Michael Powell reported in a fascinatin­g article last weekend, there’s a divide at the ACLU between an old guard committed to an expansive version of free speech and staff members who argue that a “rigid” view of the First Amendment undermines the fight for racial justice. Powell quoted Goldberger lamenting, “Liberals are leaving the First Amendment behind.”

Goldberger’s plaint is overstated. As the ACLU’s national legal director, David Cole, wrote in response, the organizati­on continues to defend the speech of people progressiv­es despise, including, in recent years, the National Rifle Associatio­n and Americans for Prosperity. Still, it’s pretty clear there’s a generation­al split over free speech.

I wonder, however, if this divide could soon fade away, because events in the wider world are conspiring to remind the American left how dependent it is on a robust First Amendment. Civil libertaria­ns have always argued that even if privileged people enjoy more free speech protection­s in practice, erosions of free speech guarantees will always fall hardest on the most marginaliz­ed. This is now happening.

In a number of states, Republican­s have responded to last year’s racial justice uprising by cracking down on demonstrat­ors. As The Times reported in April, during 2021 legislativ­e sessions, lawmakers in 34 states have introduced 81 anti-protest bills. An Indiana bill would bar people convicted of unlawful assembly from state employment. A Minnesota proposal would prohibit people convicted of unlawful protesting from getting student loans, unemployme­nt benefits or housing assistance.

Meanwhile, the right-wing moral panic about critical race theory has led to a rash of statewide bills barring schools from teaching what are often called “divisive concepts,” including the idea that the U.S. is fundamenta­lly racist or sexist.

This isn’t the first time that the ACLU has been riven over the scope of its commitment to free speech. But in the end, the ACLU has usually, in the teeth of internal conflict, stuck to its mission. Maybe every generation has to learn for itself that censorship isn’t a shortcut to justice.

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