The Denver Post



results pages through more favorable display and positionin­g, while relegating the results from competing comparison services in those pages by means of ranking algorithms, Google departed from competitio­n on the merits.”

Google said it was reviewing the decision but added that it had made changes to its shopping product to comply with the 2017 decision.

“Shopping ads have always helped people find the products they are looking for quickly and easily and helped merchants to reach potential customers,” the company said.

“Our approach has worked successful­ly for more than three years, generating billions of clicks for more than 700 comparison shopping services.”

The $2.75 billion fine was a record at the time, before being surpassed in 2018, when the commission fined Google about $5 billion for illegally using the Android operating system to bolster the use of its search engine and other services on mobile devices.

In 2019, Vestager’s office fined Google more than $1.7 billion for imposing unfair terms on companies that used its search bar on their websites in Europe.

The investigat­ions of Google helped inspire stiffer new competitio­n rules that are being drafted in the European Union that target the world’s largest technology platforms.

The draft law — the Digital Markets Act — is expected to be adopted next year and would give European regulators new powers to intervene in the digital economy, including blocking companies such as Google and Apple from giving their services preferenti­al treatment over rivals.

Violating the new rules would result in fines of up to 10% of a company’s annual revenue.

Google’s competitor­s welcomed Wednesday’s ruling, but many said the investigat­ions and court hearings had taken so long that Google had been able to further entrench its dominant position.

“While we welcome today’s judgment, it does not undo the considerab­le consumer and anti-competitiv­e harm caused by more than a decade of Google’s insidious search manipulati­on practices,” said Shivaun Raff, CEO and co-founder of Foundem, a comparison shopping service in Europe that helped bring the original complaint against Google.

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