The Denver Post



1. Which of these countries is ruled by a person known as a sultan? a) Oman b) Afghanista­n c) Ukraine

2. Which phrase was used to gain support for the westward expansion of the United States in the 1800s? a) Manifest Destiny b) Remember the Maine c) FiftyFour Forty or Fight

3. The archipelag­o Islas Malvinas, also called the Falkland Islands, lies off the southeaste­rn edge of which continent? a) South America b) Europe c) Asia

4. More than 100,000 people fled to the neighborin­g countries of Liberia and Guinea during the nine months that a West African country was ruled by a military. Name this country. a) Sierra Leone b) Mauritania c) Cote D’ivoire

5. The Bellingsha­usen Sea and the Ross Sea border which continent? a) Australia b) Europe c) Antarctica

6. The Yenisey- Angara river system is the second longest river system on which continent? a) Australia b) Asia c) Africa

7. Name the world’s largest saltwater lake, which has traditiona­lly been a major source of sturgeon for caviar. a) Lake Superior b) Dead Sea c) Caspian Sea

8. Worldwide, languages that belong to which language family are spoken over the widest geographic­al area? a) Sino- Tibetan b) Indo- European c) AustroAsia­tic

9. Which country’s population is not predominan­tly Muslim? a) Kuwait b) Iran c) Canada

10. An organizati­on known as the IMF is giving economic aid to South Korea to stabilize its economy. What do the initials IMF stand for? a) Internatio­nal Monetary Fund b) Industrial Mechanizat­ion Fund c) Income Maximizati­on Fund


1. Oman, 2. Manifest Destiny, 3. South America, 4. Sierra Leone, 5. Antarctica,

6. Asia, 7. Caspian Sea, 8. Indo- European, 9. Canada,

10. Internatio­nal Monetary Fund

Questions provided by the National Geographic Bee. Visit national geographic. org/ education/ studentexp­eriences/ geobee/ study/ quiz

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