The Denver Post

Five Breakthrou­gh Things a New Leader Must Do towin Big in 2023

- Kathleenwi­nsor- Games is the VP Sales with Achievemen­t Dynamics, Inc., a Sandler Training company. She provides values- based training and coaching on sales and leadership. Contact her at Kathleen. Winsor- Games@ Sandler. com

Congratula­tions on your promotion. Whether this is your first management or executive position, you will want to post big wins early on. Before you get started, stop and think. Consider how you will prioritize and structure your time now that your scope of impact has expanded.

Given the headwinds present in the economy, including a candidate shortage, inflation and lingering supply chain issues, leaders are more challenged than ever to perform at a high level.

At the end of your first year in this role, the goal is for your manager and you to agree that your promotion was a winning decision. Want to ensure resounding success? Use this checklist to boost your current leadership skills.

Define Successmet­rics: What does success look like in the first 90 days, six months and one year? If you and your boss haven’t agreed on your top three objectives for each time- frame, draft a simple outline immediatel­y. It is tempting to“jump in” because you have pressure to perform. However, you may never recover from that mistake because things tend to move rapidly at this level. If your boss is reluctant to define measurable objectives, start by assuring her that you are prepared for your objectives to evolve. Before performing effectivel­y, you must tie your primary goals to company objectives.

Understand Your Level of Authority: What budget decisions can you make? What is your scope of authority in hiring, rewards and discipline? When do you need to talk to your boss, board of directors, human resources or management peers?

Get to Knowyour People: Now that you are accountabl­e for the performanc­e of others, your mission is to understand the strengths and gaps of each team member. Do you have the right people in the right roles? How can you build trust as a leader versus micro- managing? Do you understand the motivation­s and goals of team members? An essential factor in your success will be helping your team align their personal goals with the organizati­on’s goals.

Cultivate Strategic Thinking Skills: Learn to measure the return on investment ( ROI) that your team delivers. What can’t be measured tends to be cut in leaner times, so learn your key performanc­e measures. Do you understand your company’s strengths and weaknesses? Do you communicat­e effectivel­y and strategica­lly with your manager, board and investors? Get Training: According to the

U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average company with less than 100 employees provided only 12 minutes of management training in the last six months. Find out what leadership training resources are available. If your company doesn’t offer training, invest in yourself!

This investment can alter the course of your life for the better for many years to come.

Performing at a new level of visibility and impact requires new thinking and skills. Seek advice from a trusted mentor or coach outside the environmen­t so you don’t have to do your learning under a microscope. Finally, keep in mind that you were promoted for a reason. Keep your strengths and goals firmly in mind to set up long- term success.

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