The Denver Post

IRS nomineewer­fel faces questionin­g on “thankless” job

- By Fatimahuss­ein

Republican and Democratic senators who have been arguing over how much money to give the IRS and how it should be spent found at least one point of unanimity Wednesday as they considered President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the agency: Both sides wished Danny Werfel good luck with the worst job in Washington.

Werfel pledged before senators not to expand tax audits on businesses and households making less than $400,000 per year, a key point of concern to legislator­s, as

he faced rounds of questions before the Senate Finance Committee on how he would spend the agency’s big new infusion of money. He drew praise for being willing to leave a private consulting job to take on the top job at the troubled agency.

Sen. Markwarner, D-VA., called the job “one of themore thankless tasks” inwashingt­on. Sen James Lankford. R-Okla, said Wer fel was “walking right into fire.” Sen. Thomtillis, R-N.C., toldwerfel the IRS was never going to be one of themost admired agencies in Washington, given its mission of collecting taxes. And Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., offered Werfel best wishes in one of the “least popular jobs in town.”

A vote on Werfel’s nomination will be scheduled after the committee allows time for him to answer follow-up questions. But the bipartisan acknowledg­ment of the tough job ahead served as a reminder of just howbeleagu­ered the national tax collector has become in recent decades and the organizati­on.

President Joe Biden nominated Werfel to steer the IRS as it receives nearly $80 billion over the next 10 years through the Inflation Reduction Act, which Congress passed in August. Taking

note of the potential impact of the funding, Werfel said “Americans rightfully expect a more modern and high-performing IRS.”

Werfel, 51, said he would be “unyielding in following my true north to increase public trust” in the agency even as he works to modernize the agency’s technology, address its paperwork burden and audit high-income earn

Werfel, who led Boston Consulting Group’s global public sector practice, would replace Charles Rettig, whose five-year term ended in November. An acting commission­er has been filling in.

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