The Denver Post

Don’t Pull All Your Teeth

First, get a second opinion.


Many people who have been told that they should have all of their teeth pulled have been given a second chance with LANAP (Laserassis­ted Newattachm­ent Procedure). The number one reason adults lose teeth is gumdisease

(also known as periodonti­tis and pyorrhea). Gumdisease actually causes the bone surroundin­g the teeth to be eaten away, which leads the teeth to become loose. Other symptoms of gumdisease are bleeding gums and bad breath.

In thepast, the only solutions to solve the problems associated with gumdisease were either painful cut& stitch gumsurgery or extraction of the diseased teeth. Dr. Charles S. Barotz of Barotz Dental states, “Those are 20th century procedures! Here in the

21st century, LANAP laser therapy has changed the playing field.” Dr. Barotz went on to say, “It’s amazing how the laser actually helps to regenerate lost bone and all with a fraction of the pain involved with convention­al cut & stitch surgery. It’s also at a fraction of the cost of implant tooth replacemen­t!”

Dr. Barotz continued to say “This is a current trend in dentistry for implant clinics to lead a patient to believe that the only option is to have their teeth removed and replaced with implants. I seemany patients who have been told by these clinics to have their teeth removed when the teeth could, and inmy opinion, should have been saved. I consider it a tragedy that somany people receive this bad advice.”

One of Dr. Barotz’patients, Amy, was told by no less than five doctors there was no way to save her teeth, which were loose and infected with periodonti­tis. In her words, “Being told that your teeth all need to come out was absolutely devastatin­g.”

Dr. Barotz explained: “the good news is that shortly before she was scheduled to have her teeth removed, she came in for another opinion and learned about LANAP. Happily, we were able to save all of her teeth. That was over two yearsago and her teeth have firmed up and miraculous­ly the bone has grown back around the teeth that were loose. Again, the laser actually helpsmuch of the lost bone grow back.” Amy reflected on the path she went down to save her teeth, “I was toldmultip­le times that all ofmy teeth needed to be removed, but I currently have all ofmy teeth intact. They showedme a light at the end of the tunnel.”

When asked what an individual with gumdisease should do before “going under the knife,” or havingteet­h removed, Dr. Barotz strongly advises patients wanting to save their teeth to seek out a second (or third) opinion. In the end, thismiracu­lous, state of the art technology allows you to keep your teeth and

Do Ihavegumdi­sease?

• Loose, Mobile Teeth

• Bleeding Gums

• Bad Breath saves you frompainfu­l gum surgery. “We will gladly give second opinions at no charge if you have been told to have your teeth pulled and you want to save them. If a doctor told you to have your leg removed, would you just take their word for it, or get a second opinion? It is oneofmy great joys to help people likeamy save their teeth. Amy, by the way, is overjoyed that she found out about LANAP before all her teeth were pulled unnecessar­ily.”

In the end, if an individual wants to save their teeth or avoid painful gumsurgery and could benefit fromthis miraculous, state-of-the-art technology, Dr. Barotz encourages you to call his office at 720-259-9959 to set your free second opinion evaluation to find out if LANAP is right for you.

Dr. Barotz was the first clinician in Denver in the state of Colorado to be fully certified in the LANAP Laser Gumtherapy Protocol. You can readmore about

Dr. Barotz, his practice and the revolution­ary LANAP therapy at www.denverdent­

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