The Denver Post

Antisemiti­sm: A guide for the perplexed

- By Bret Stephens

In a season of widespread condemnati­on of antisemiti­sm, many struggle to define it. I can imagine having this conversati­on with any number of people trying to understand this ageold phenomenon:

Q: I’m having trouble making sense of some of the claims and countercla­ims being made about what is, or isn’t, antisemiti­c speech and behavior. To be honest, it doesn’t help that so many prominent Jews have sharply different takes on the subject.

A: Two Jews, three opinions.

Q: That sounds like a stereotype.

A: It is. It’s also one of the few things that most Jews agree is true of us as people.

Q: OK, so in your opinion and a half, what is antisemiti­sm?

A: It’s a conspiracy theory that holds that Jews are uniquely prone to use devious means to achieve malevolent ends and must therefore be opposed by any means necessary, including violence.

Q: Is that the commonly accepted definition?

A: No, it’s my own. A more widely cited definition comes from the Internatio­nal Holocaust Remembranc­e Alliance, which defines antisemiti­sm, in part, as “a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews.” But the phrase “a certain perception” raises more questions than it answers.

Q: So why do you call antisemiti­sm a conspiracy theory? Isn’t it just simple bigotry against Jews?

A: Few things are simple about antisemiti­sm because few things are simple about Jews. We are a nation, a religion, a culture, an “other.” At various times, we’ve also been thought of, falsely, as a race, most malevolent­ly by the Nazis.

Antisemiti­sm has expressed itself over the centuries as political opposition to Jews, religious hatred, cultural disdain, xenophobia or racism. It’s a shapeshift­ing virus that has adapted itself to the reigning prejudices of different eras. But a common thread linking one strain to another is that antisemiti­sm typically takes the form of a conspiracy theory.

Q: Such as?

A: Deicide, for starters — the idea that Jews got the Romans to kill Jesus. Later, in the Middle Ages, came the belief that plagues were caused by Jews poisoning wells. Next, it was Jews using their financial power to start wars. Or their control of media and Hollywood to manipulate public opinion and degrade public morals. Or their influence in Congress and the White House to take America to war in the Middle East and advance Israeli interests.

Q: Isn’t there some truth to the last point? Weren’t figures like Paul Wolfowitz largely responsibl­e for taking the United States to war in Iraq?

A: Actually, the people who took America to war in Iraq were George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. Blaming second- tier Jewish officials for the actions of top- tier Christian officials is classic antisemiti­sm.

Q: I hadn’t thought of that.

A: Nor did many of the people who leveled the charge 20 years ago. There’s a lot of unwitting antisemiti­sm, just as there’s a lot of unwitting racism.

Q: But if antisemiti­sm is a conspiracy theory, why do so many people call anti- Zionism a form of antisemiti­sm? Whatever else you might say about anti- Zionism, it seems nothing if not direct.

A: Remember that antisemiti­sm can also take the form of political hatred, and Zionism — that is, support for the existence of a Jewish state, as opposed to any of its policies — is today the principal expression of Jewish politics. But even anti- Zionism increasing­ly expresses itself as a conspiracy theory.

Q: How so?

A: Think of it this way: To the 19th- century German antisemite, Jews were impostors and swindlers — impostors, because they claimed to be citizens of Germany when antisemite­s claimed they were “Semites”; swindlers, because they were in the business of swindling “true” Germans out of their patrimony. To the 21st- century anti- Zionist, Jews are impostors and swindlers — impostors, because they claimed to have ancestral ties to the Holy Land when anti- Zionists claim they are colonizers from Europe; swindlers, because they were swindling Palestinia­ns out of their patrimony.

In both cases, Jews are “the other.” The only difference is that past generation­s of antisemite­s accused Jews of being Middle Easterners, while today’s anti- Zionists accuse Jews of being Europeans.

Q: Interestin­g. But aren’t there ultra- Orthodox Jews who consider themselves anti- Zionists?

A: Yes. And if you’re one of those Jews, consider yourself acquitted of charges of antisemiti­sm. Also, if you oppose every form of nationalis­m on principle, then you can honorably oppose Jewish nationalis­m. But you can’t support every nation’s right to exist except for the Jewish nation. That’s antisemiti­sm.

Q: But if you support Palestinia­n nationhood, doesn’t that require opposition to Jewish nationhood?

A: It isn’t one or the other. It can and should be both. Israel came into existence in the most legitimate way possible — through a vote of the United Nations, which was immediatel­y opposed by Arab states that set out to destroy the nascent Jewish state. In 2000, Ehud Barak, then Israel’s prime minister, offered Palestinia­n leader Yasser Arafat a Palestinia­n state. Arafat rejected the offer, and 23 years of tragedy have ensued.

Q: Including the current tragedy in the Gaza Strip, in which Israel is being widely accused of committing genocide.

A: That accusation is also a form of antisemiti­sm. It is manifestly false: If Israel really wanted to commit genocide in Gaza, it has the means to do so. Accusing Jews of the very crime of which they themselves were history’s greatest victim is a uniquely vile taunt. And the charge of genocide is so heinous that it licenses any form of violence to stop it, including the sort of massacre we saw on Oct. 7.

Q: I also don’t agree with the genocide charge, per se, but I still think Israel’s response is inhumane, disproport­ionate and counterpro­ductive.

A: I disagree, but that’s entirely legitimate criticism, just as it’s legitimate to object to Israel’s settlement policy in the West Bank or to Benjamin Netanyahu’s extremist government. Plenty of Israelis and American Jews do so as well.

Q: I used to think of antisemiti­sm mainly as a right- wing phenomenon, connected to racists like David Duke. But now all the talk is of antisemiti­sm among people who think of themselves as progressiv­es. How did that happen?

A: Here’s a quote for you: “What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Hucksterin­g. What is his worldly God? Money.” Joseph Goebbels? No, it’s Karl Marx.

There’s always been a virulent strain of leftwing antisemiti­sm, which the Soviet Union practiced domestical­ly and propagated internatio­nally throughout much of the Cold War. Western academia picked up where the Soviets left off, stressing “decoloniza­tion” narratives in ways that obsessivel­y implicated Israel while leaving nearly everyone else off the hook. When was the last time you heard of college students protesting Turkey’s violent mistreatme­nt of Kurds or India’s abuses in Kashmir?

Q: I hope this isn’t an uncouth question but — why the Jews? Why has antisemiti­sm mutated and persisted over so many centuries?

A: Jews have long stood for a set of ideas that, if not radical now, were radical in their time. Among them: monotheism, freedom, general literacy and what Jewish tradition calls “argument for the sake of heaven.”

Monotheism imposes a single ethical standard — such as “thou shalt not kill” — on all people, regardless of their country or culture. It’s the seed of the idea of universal rights. The story of the Book of Exodus has been an inspiratio­n for all freedomsee­king people —

“Let my people go!” Literacy, a prerequisi­te for becoming a Jewish adult, is the basis for the unshacklin­g of the mind. And argument for the sake of heaven — inscribing dialogue and dissent into religious tradition — is central to any democratic society.

No wonder Jews have inspired so much loathing from every ruler, religion or ideology seeking to keep people in servitude and ignorance. Whenever antisemiti­sm rears its head, it isn’t just Jews who are in the crosshairs. It’s freedom, education and human dignity — values all of us should share, whether you’re Jewish or not.

 ?? MONICA HERNDON — THE PHILADELPH­IA INQUIRER VIA AP ?? People attend a rally against antisemiti­sm at Congregati­on Rodeph Shalom in Philadelph­ia on Sunday, Dec. 10.
MONICA HERNDON — THE PHILADELPH­IA INQUIRER VIA AP People attend a rally against antisemiti­sm at Congregati­on Rodeph Shalom in Philadelph­ia on Sunday, Dec. 10.

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