The Denver Post

After surviving run- in with careless driver, student wishes we would all drive safe

- — Jolie Walker, Castle Pines

Re: “A growing rage on our roads,” Nov. 26 editorial

Across state lines, the extreme uptick in road rage has created a hostile and dangerous environmen­t for many drivers. Statistics show that more and more drivers have witnessed a road rage incident. The article says our “heavily- armed society and undereduca­ted, timid, distracted, and tired drivers have created a recipe for disaster.” It identifies the problem, but I’d argue the underlying cause is selfish drivers who lack respect for the privilege and rules of driving.

One recent morning, I witnessed a hot- headed parent in the student parking lot honk at an innocent kid walking into school! Ever heard of “yield to pedestrian­s’?” The day before, I was waiting in gohome traffic on the onelane road when a lady carelessly sped down the shoulder and forcibly merged in front of everyone. How has society sunk to this point of zero patience or regard for others? Have we forgotten all about being the bigger person and leading by example?

From irritating people to causing an accident, “Mario Kart mentality” has real consequenc­es. Think speed limits and traffic lights are just suggestion­s? Think again. This October, I was in the driver’s seat, upside- down, bleeding, and unconsciou­s. After opening my eyes and calling for help, a gentleman helped me climb out the window and into the median. “Ma’am, somebody ran the red light at 75 mph and hit you; that’s why your car flipped. The ambulance is almost here. You’re going to be OK.”

Next time you’re on the road, relax, stay safe, and enjoy the drive.

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