The Denver Post

How big is the tree?

- By Frank Stewart

Unlucky Louie has a big family, and Christmas at his house is like a baby shower that went totally overboard.

“I’m afraid our Christmas tree isn’t big enough,” Louie complained to me. “There isn’t room beneath it for all the packages.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Rose told him. “In the eyes of a child, every Christmas tree is about 30 feet tall.”

In my club’s penny Chicago game, Louie was declarer at today’s four spades, and his perception of the play was a little off. ( Louie’s hand wasn’t quite as strong as he thought — his jack of spades was probably a wasted honor — and he might have done better to bid three clubs at his second turn to try for game. North, with two aces, might have accepted a try.)

West led a trump. Louie won, took the ace of clubs and led a second club, pursuing a club ruff in dummy. West won, led a second trump, won the next club and led a third trump. Then Louie’s last club was a loser, and he also lost a diamond. Down one.

“Nice defense,” Louie said grudgingly.

Louie can make the game. After he wins the trump lead, he cashes the A- K of hearts, goes to the ace of diamonds, ruffs a heart high and concedes a diamond. He can win the next trump with dummy’s ten, ruff a diamond, go to the ace of clubs and ruff a diamond. He has won nine tricks, and dummy still has the high nine of trumps.

Louie, Rose, Cy the Cynic and all the members of my club join me in wishing for my readers a holiday season of peace and joy. May your longest list be one that counts your blessings.

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