The Denver Post

The Texas-to-denver immigratio­n


Re: “Denver’s mayor slams Texas governor over migrant buses,” Dec. 28 news story

Instead of scoring political points, Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas could be scoring humanitari­an points. He ought to be working with all governors and big-city mayors, be they in red or blue states, to find landing places for migrants who are only trying to make better lives for themselves and their families. Grow a heart, Gov. Abbott, and start treating these people as, well, people. Ship yourself to the Wizard of Oz. Maybe he could find a heart for you.

— Dan Eberhart, Denver

Hello? The Biden administra­tion is the one who opened the border. Wide open. Did you forget? Then immigrants flowed into Arizona, other southern states and mostly Texas — thousands — hundreds of thousands. Drugs, human traffickin­g, and illegal immigrants are flowing across the border (I’m sorry but many of the immigrants are illegal by definition of breaking our immigratio­n laws).

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott was simply protecting his state, which was overrun, by shipping those out who wanted to go to Chicago, New York, Denver and elsewhere — all to sanctuary states. Now those governors are whining and crying and appealing to President Joe Biden and villainizi­ng Abbott. He’s racist! He’s cruel! He’s reckless! He’s inhumane! Oh, I guess it’s OK if they stay in Texas and overwhelm that state.

Of course Biden blamed the Trump administra­tion for the open border. Of course. That is laughable, at the very least.

Now I ask this sanctuary state of ours: How many are too many for our country?

— Kay Robbins, Denver

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