The Denver Post

Severe frostbite gets a treatment that may prevent amputation

- By Matt Richtel

The first time Dr. Peter Hackett saw a patient with frostbite, the man died from his wounds. It was in Chicago in 1971, and the man had gotten drunk and passed out in the snow, his fingers so frozen that gangrene eventually set in.

Hackett later worked at Mount Everest Basecamp, on Denali, Alaska, and now in Colorado, becoming expert in treating cold-weather injury. The experience was often the same: There was not much to do about frostbite, except rewarm the patient, give aspirin, amputate in severe cases and, more often, wait and accept that six months later the patient’s body might “auto-amputate” by naturally shedding a dead finger or toe.

His mentor in Anchorage, Alaska, used to say, “Frostbite January, Amputation July,” remembered Hackett, clinical professor at the Altitude Research Center at the University of Colorado’s Anschutz Medical Campus. “For centuries, there was nothing else to do.”

This month, the Food and Drug Administra­tion approved the first therapy for treatment of severe frostbite in the country. The drug, iloprost, is given intravenou­sly for several hours a day over a little more than week. It works by opening blood vessels to improve circulatio­n, limiting inflammati­on and stopping the formation of platelet clumps that can stop circulatio­n and kill tissue. Most at risk are a person’s toes, fingers, ears, cheeks and nose.

The approval of the treatment is as much scientific novelty as it is pharmaceut­ical industry moneymakin­g bonanza. Experts say there is not good data on how many people suffer severe enough frostbite to receive this therapy. But the cases could be as few as several dozens of people a year in the United States, according to Dr. Norman Stockbridg­e, head of the FDA’S division of cardiology and nephrology in the agency’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, which approved the drug.

“When you get down to people who get really frostbitte­n and really at risk of losing digits, it’s pretty uncommon,” Stockbridg­e said. Still, “it’s better to have a drug for this than nothing.”

In fact, approval of the frostbite medication highlights an unspoken reality of the severe form of the injury: It’s rare.

Most at risk are highaltitu­de climbers, people who work outdoors without proper gear and people who are homeless, particular­ly those with poor circulatio­n. Frostbite happens in “extremely cold temperatur­es,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with injury often occurring during the thawing process as vessels become damaged by clots and inflammati­on, strangling blood flow.

About two-thirds of overall frostbite cases are milder, sometimes known as frost nip, and are not likely candidates for this drug, according to Allison Widlitz, vice president of medical affairs for Eicos Sciences, a startup in San Mateo, Calif., that received the FDA’S approval to sell the drug. She estimated that the U.S. market for iloprost would be fewer than 1,000 people a year.

“Albeit a small market, this is an important new option,” she said. Eicos, which has seven employees, hasn’t set a price yet for the drug, Widlitz said.

Many infusion therapies for such rare conditions are very expensive. Treatment with iloprost would involve IVS for six hours a day, and up to eight days.

Widlitz added that the company was formed to explore iloprost and drugs for other unmet medical needs.

This is not the first use of the drug. An inhaled version of iloprost was first approved in 2004 by the FDA to treat pulmonary hypertensi­on. Over the past decade, the IV version has been approved for severe frostbite in many European countries after a French physician, Dr. Emmanuel Cauchy, showed its effectiven­ess in treating frostbitte­n mountain climbers.

His research, published in a 2011 paper in The New England Journal of Medicine, found that of the frostbite patients who received a version of the medication, none of 16 in the study faced the risk of amputation from their injuries. Nine of 15 other patients who did not receive the drug were at risk, the study showed.

Last year, a paper in The Internatio­nal Journal of Circumpola­r Health, a publicatio­n devoted to health issues affecting people living in the Arctic Circle, found similar results in subsequent research. It noted that use of iloprost “demonstrat­ed a decrease in amputation rates relative to untreated patients.”

By way of example, a paper in 2018, published in Wilderness & Environmen­tal Medicine, examined treatment with iloprost in five Himalayan climbers and found that the drug prevented tissue loss in two of them, and limited tissue loss in two others. Those case studies found the drug effective when given 48 to 72 hours after onset of the injury, an important wrinkle because climbers often are not able to receive immediate treatment.

In cases where frostbite is caught more immediatel­y, a stroke drug called tissue plasminoge­n activator, or TPA, can be used to limit clot formation and reduce the risk of amputation. However, that drug, if not administer­ed within hours, can lead to severe complicati­ons and death. Unlike iloprost, TPA is not approved by the FDA for severe frostbite, but doctors have resorted to it in an off-label way.

Hackett said the universe of people who suffer severe frostbite includes “mountainee­rs, snowmobile­rs getting stuck out, mushers, the military” and other people working in frigid conditions, along with those who are homeless and “people with drug and alcohol problems who are exposed to cold for long periods.”

This was how Jennifer Livovich, a resident of Boulder, who was homeless, contracted severe frostbite one extremely cold night in December 2016.

She remembered that she had been drinking heavily, and that the weather the day before was OK: “Then I woke up the next day, covered in snow, and my shoe had come off while I was sleeping — maybe I kicked it off — and my left foot was stuck to the ground.”

“I kept walking around and I could tell that my foot felt different, but I just thought I was cold,” she said. Five days later, she wound up in a detox unit, where, as she warmed and her foot thawed, “I experience­d excruciati­ng pain.”

The thawing stage is when the damage starts to set in and capillarie­s deteriorat­e, sometimes beyond repair. “Different parts of my foot went from a black color to a light blue,” she said.

In a doctor’s care, she tried lukewarm water soaks and elevated her foot, putting gauze between her toes so rejuvenati­ng skin cells would not fuse together. Chunks of skin fell off, and she lost all her toenails. When doctors were finally satisfied the foot had healed as much as it might, “they shaved — that’s what they call it, ‘shaved’ — a quarterinc­h off my big toe,” she said.

The shaving occurred in the summer, roughly fitting the six-month timeline in the adage of Hackett’s mentor: injury in early winter and amputation by summer.

So, as small as the market might be for the new drug, Hackett hopes it might save a few digits.

“It’s fabulous,” he said. “It might change the old adage.”

 ?? PHOTO COURTESY OF JENNIFER LIVOVICH VIA THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Jennifer Livovich’s foot after she contracted severe frostbite after passing out in the snow while she was homeless in Boulder in 2016. The Food and Drug Administra­tion recently approved the first therapy, a drug called iloprost, for patients in danger of losing their toes, fingers and other exposed parts of the body to severe frostbite.
PHOTO COURTESY OF JENNIFER LIVOVICH VIA THE NEW YORK TIMES Jennifer Livovich’s foot after she contracted severe frostbite after passing out in the snow while she was homeless in Boulder in 2016. The Food and Drug Administra­tion recently approved the first therapy, a drug called iloprost, for patients in danger of losing their toes, fingers and other exposed parts of the body to severe frostbite.

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