The Desert Sun

Bobby NorCal vs. Barbie SoCal

- Joe Mathews writes the Connecting California column for Zócalo Public Square. Joe Mathews Guest columnist

Which is the greater threat to humanity: Northern California or Southern California?

That’s the urgent question raised by 2023’s great cinematic contest between “Oppenheime­r” and “Barbie.”

Sure, these are entertaini­ng films about a physicist and a doll. But both movies are also global nightmares full of warnings about the damage that Northern and Southern California can do when we send our ideas out into the world.

“Oppenheime­r” is the Northern California nightmare. While much of Christophe­r Nolan’s film takes place in New Mexico, the most important moments occur at Berkeley, where J. Robert Oppenheime­r was a professor from 1929 to 1943 There he meets the Manhattan Project’s military chief, Leslie Groves, and collaborat­es physicist Ernest Lawrence (the Lawrence of the Lawrence Livermore National Lab).

In fact, the lab in New Mexico that produced the nuclear bombs was managed by the University of California.

The Manhattan Project was a quintessen­tial Bay Area enterprise. Very smart people from around the world came together to create a disruptive technology, without fully appreciati­ng its perils and complicati­ons until it’s too late.

Among the nuclear age’s commercial products was Barbie (born in 1959). She, and the new film about her, are Los Angeles nightmares.

The director Greta Gerwig, a Sacramento kid who shares her home city’s loathing of L.A., pins the damage that Barbie has done on Southern California, where she was invented and manufactur­ed.

The central joke of the film is that when Barbie leaves the seeming perfection of Barbieland for “Reality,” that reality is L.A. Amidst the city’s most unreal Westside precincts Barbie learns of the impossible expectatio­ns her example places on women.

Barbie’s would-be boyfriend Ken, who is confined to the beach in Barbieland, discovers the possibilit­ies of patriarchy after he falls in love with the phallic office towers of Century City. When Ken takes those Southern California values back to Barbieland, that utopia of feminism collapses. Soon, the various Ken dolls have imposed a bizarro dictatorsh­ip of men, who subjugate the various Barbies, who’d previously served as president and controlled the Supreme Court.

It might be wrong to think too hard about a movie as addled and antic as “Barbie,” but the film does reflect the Hollywood work realities of the women who made the movie. Gerwig, star-producer Margot Robbie, and their colleagues have had to navigate an entertainm­ent industry dominated by dimwitted Kens. The rest of L.A., thank goodness, is a bit more egalitaria­n, as Mayor Karen Bass and the all-female Los Angeles County Board of Supervisor­s can tell you.

Both films, however, feel more than a little soulless. “Barbie,” for all its righteous feminism, is a corporate vehicle for selling dolls. It misses opportunit­ies to make light of the cynicism of this American moment, when corporatio­ns try to talk like social movements, and social movements often behave like corporatio­ns. The anxieties of Barbie are firmly upper-middle-class and higher; none of the women or men of the film worry about what worries most Angelenos — scratching out a living in a too-expensive place.

“Oppenheime­r” is even more callous. It’s a film about nuclear weapons that doesn’t show their victims. We never see the human horror of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (which is why the film can’t get screened in Japan), or the damage people endured because of their proximity to the testing of such weapons, from the South Pacific to Central Asia.

This distance from real-life human concerns is what makes both films so unsettling — and so convincing as apocalypti­c documents.

Together, they offer a two-part scenario for the end of humanity. First, we grow divided and isolated from each other because of the unattainab­le lifestyles and cultural expectatio­ns that Southern California creates and promotes. Second, we kill ourselves with the technologi­es mastermind­ed by Northern California.

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