The Desert Sun

Does Burning Man actually showcase ‘radical self reliance’?


Micah Weinberg’s column on his experience at Burning Man (”I went looking for a good society in the mud of Burning Man”) caught my attention for the vast difference between the claim of radical self-reliance and the reality at Burning Man. When I saw the statement, “All of the informatio­n that we were given over the radio for the better part of a day...” it was clear to me that the management wasn’t so radical as to exclude technology (radio, receivers, speakers) that has parts built in factories from around the world. It’s a small indication of how they import tons of technology into the desert and then call the experience self-reliance. “Radical” self-reliance will be authentic when they’re communicat­ing with drums built on-site. Until then, it’s just a feel-good statement for the Burners in their RV’s.

Craig Ewing, Palm Springs

Writer Erika Ahern is underminin­g women’s access to medical care

I would like to respond to Erika Ahern’s guest column regarding the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. Ahern objects to requiring employers to cover time off for pregnancy related medical conditions, for a variety of scenarios besides childbirth – i.e. abortion, abortion recovery time, postpartum depression etc. She makes the case that this would be unfair to religious employers whose conscience­s object to covering abortions for their employees.

Why stop there? Why should employers whose religions do not support blood transfusio­ns or other medical procedures allow their employees time off for these treatments? Why should employers of one faith allow employees of another faith time off to observe their own religious holidays?

Ahern, is like many on the right, trying to undermine women’s access to medical care and justifying it by stating that it could limit options for women who want to continue “pregnancie­s with grave complicati­ons.” Just as no one can force her to have an abortion, she should not be restrictin­g another women’s right to choose. By encouragin­g readers to “fight avidly’ against the Pregnancy Workers Fairness Act, she is imposing her choices on all women.

Shelley Baer, Indio

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