The Desert Sun

Why I love my urban public school in San Francisco

- EdSource Jennie Herriot-Hatfield Guest columnist

If you live in San Francisco or have been here recently, you may have started seeing window signs or bumper stickers that say “I love my SF public school.” And if you’re not a San Francisco public school parent or student, you might be surprised to see these signs, given the prevailing narrative about the public schools in our fair city and in other urban areas. It turns out there are plenty of satisfied — even enthusiast­ic — public school parents and students in our big cities.

In California, and across the country, there is a pervasive narrative that urban public schools are “bad” and suburban schools are “good.” (Example: The San Francisco Chronicle reported that a small East Bay suburb has “better” schools than San Francisco like it’s an objective fact.) Describing a school, let alone an entire school system, as “good” or “bad” is lazy at best and coded racism at worst. Why? Because we typically rely on test scores and numerical ratings to identify a “good” school, and those ratings are highly correlated with race and income.

And there is so much more to a school than reading and math test scores.

Instead, we should talk about “fit” because a school that is a great fit for one kid may be a terrible fit for another. I am a graduate of the vaunted Palo Alto public school system. It was a good fit for me because I thrived (mostly) in a competitiv­e academic environmen­t; it was a terrible fit for one of my relatives, whose special needs were never adequately met in that system.

To determine a good fit, we parents and caregivers have to get really specific about what we’re looking for in a school and what each of our kids needs. Do we want rigorous academics? Arts education? A focus on social justice? Support for social-emotional developmen­t? A diverse student body?

Next, we need a reliable source of informatio­n. You can certainly learn something from looking at numerical data, like the School Accountabi­lity Report Cards. But if you really want to know whether a given school has what you’re looking for, the best source of informatio­n is current students, parents and caregivers.

If you ask urban public school parents what they think of their public schools, you will certainly hear both positives and negatives, as you would anywhere, including the suburbs. Since you can find a litany of complaints via a quick Google search, and in the spirit of the “I love my SF public school” campaign, I will focus on the positives. Here are the many things those of us displaying the signs in San Francisco — and sharing similar sentiments across the state — love about our kids’ schools:

The rich diversity of our cities is reflected in our schools. San Francisco middle school parent Jessica Franklin appreciate­s that her kids “are learning to engage with, interact with and learn from so many people who are so different from themselves.” Hanson Li says that, as a first-generation immigrant, he appreciate­s the district’s “continued commitment to immersive language programs.” His high schoolers are fluent in Mandarin and Cantonese after attending elementary and middle schools with language programs.

Our teachers are incredible. They are skilled and experience­d: At her kid’s elementary school in San Francisco, Autumn Brown Garibay says five teachers have been at the school for more than 20 years, and many teachers sent their own kids to the school.

Our schools have a strong sense of community that is intentiona­lly cultivated by teachers, school leaders, and families.

Our children have access to enrichment programs and field trips that come with living in a world-class city. At the middle school Franklin’s kids attend, in just one year, students participat­ed in collaborat­ions with six different arts organizati­ons, including the San Francisco Opera, Hip Hop for Change, and Alonzo King LINES Ballet.

No school or school district is perfect. As public school parents, we are the first to admit that our schools have areas that need improvemen­t. Still, there are many things we love about our urban public schools.

Jennie Herriot-Hatfield is a K-12 education consultant, former elementary school teacher, and public school parent in San Francisco. She serves on the board of directors for SF Parent Coalition, which advocates for a thriving, equitable school system. She wrote this for EdSource.

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