The Evening Leader

Hints from Heloise



Dear Heloise: My grandchild­ren live in another state, and I travel to see them several times a year. I love taking photos, capturing their expression­s and recording all our activities. I make scrapbooks of our visits to give to them someday. When we’re together, we view the books while talking about our special times. -- Kathy L, The Traveling Grandma

Kathy, this is a great way to give your grandchild­ren happy, loving memories for them to think back to when they are adults. A photograph can be more than just a picture. It can be a thousand words and a million memories.



P.O. Box 795001

San Antonio, TX 78279-5001

Fax: 1-210-HELOISE

Email: SAFETY TIPS FOR BICYCLISTS Dear Heloise: Regarding bicyclists obeying traffic signs, people should review their state laws. Some states, including my home state of Oregon, have adopted the “Idaho stop law,” which allows cyclists to treat stop signs and blinking red lights as yield signs. -- Reid R., Salem, Ore.

Reid, too many cyclists believe that the driver of a vehicle will stop for them, but that’s not always the case. Remember to drive with the flow of traffic. Always assume that the driver of a car does not see you on your bicycle. And please, no texting, listening to music, daydreamin­g or anything else that takes your mind off the road ahead.


Dear Heloise: What works for removing tree/pine sap from a car windshield and car’s paint? -- Lisa B, Riverside, Calif.

Lisa, here are a couple of remedies for you:

1. Pour 3 tablespoon­s of mineral spirits onto a clean cloth.

2. Wipe the tree sap generously with the mineral spirits. Allow the mineral spirits to sink in and soften the sap (about 10 to 15 minutes).

3. Vigorously rub the mineral spirits and the tree sap from the paint with a clean, damp cloth. -OR

1. Mix 3 tablespoon­s of baking soda with enough water to form a thick paste.

2. Completely cover the tree sap with the mixture. Rub the paste into the tree sap with a damp sponge or clean rag.

3. Pour boiling hot water over the baking soda paste.

4. Wipe away the baking soda paste and tree sap from the car with a clean, damp rag.


Dear Heloise: A koozie, or foam beer can holder, is great when using a canned air duster, as your hand doesn’t get cold. -- Johnny B., Long Beach, Calif.

Johnny, what a great idea! There are so many companies that hand out free koozies that nearly every household has at least one, or you can pick one up at a craft store or gas station. -- Heloise


Dear Heloise: I was just reading your informatio­n in the San Antonio Express-News about reminding people to have their chimney cleaned.

Did you know that chimney sweeps are the people to call to clean your dryer vents? It’s a good idea to kill two birds with one stone! -- Joanne, via email Joanne, yes a chimney sweeper can do it or a plumber. It really should be done about once a year as a safety measure.

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