The Evening Leader

Council wants to see consistent signs throughout village

- By COREY MAXWELL Managing Editor

NEW BREMEN — Discussion continued Monday night about a proposed sign that would go on the Lockkeeper­s House.

At council’s last meeting in March, representa­tives from the New Bremen Historic Associatio­n and the Miami Erie Canal Corridor Associatio­n presented proposals for a sign that would go on the front of the Lockkeeper­s House to help better signify what it was.

Council discussed the idea and wanted to get input from the public before approving anything.

A post was put on Facebook by the historical associatio­n with two variations of the proposed sign, but Mayor Bob Parker said he wished they had included a third option, which was the option of having no sign at all.

“We did notice there was a survey put on Facebook asking the difference between the two sizes of the signs, but there was not an option of, ‘Do you want a sign on the Lockkeeper­s House?’ [They] weren’t opening it up to all the suggestion­s we had the other day,” said Parker.

Parker mentioned posts on Facebook with one referring to how the original intent of the Lockkeeper­s House wasn’t meant to have a sign on it.

“There were several people that commented to his post and agreed,” said Parker.

Parker said he’s heard from various community members who have pointed out that the New Bremen Historic Associatio­n’s house has a sign that’s not attached to the house, it’s in front.

“I’ve had several people comment about why can’t we keep the same theme throughout the village of New Bremen,” said Parker.

Don Kuck mentioned the Pape House has a sign outside and it’s not on the structure.

“I guess my vote would be to keep it consistent with the rest of the town,” said Parker. Other councilors agreed.

“That tends to be the more anecdotal conversati­on that I’m having with the signs,” said Councilman Jacob Larger. “Nothing really else has the signs on it and is that really what the Lockkeeper­s House would have looked like back then? I think keeping consistent with not only the village but also the historical perspectiv­e of it, maybe some sort of label on the outside would look nice, but I think maybe it’s not the place for it.”

Parker suggested having the sign along the road that would indicate that it was the Lockkeeper­s House as opposed to having it directly on the structure.

“Maybe we could have something alongside the road like right at Water Street that says ‘Lockkeeper­s House, turn left.’ Something to that effect since their complaint seems to be nobody knows how to get to it,” said Parker.

In other business, council:

• Heard from Village Administra­tor Brent Richter during his report. He said the village did not get a grant for the swimming pool repairs so the money will come out of the income tax fund. He said they are still waiting for the permit from the Ohio Department of Health to begin work on the main drain, adding that he heard they are backed up with permits currently.

“We’re just waiting our turn,” said Richter.

• Heard Richter say a deed from the state should be in by the end of April so the village can begin to work on cleaning up the canal and he said Choice One sent the final plans to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to begin work on the bike path.

• Heard Richter say that documents are almost complete for 2021 resurfacin­g projects and that bids will go out in May.

• Discussed the transmissi­on site lease agreement with NK Telco. The agreement allows NK Telco to use wifi to connect the water wells and the water towers to the water plant and gives them capability to broadcast their wifi from the tower also.

• Tabled the third reading of Ordinance 2021-03-05, which is the behind the meter generator ordinance that puts a plan in place for residents using solar power.

• Completed a third reading and passed Ordinance 202103-06, which is the insurance renewal of the village’s Anthem Medical insurance.

• Heard Parker announce fines, fees and forfeiture­s of $1,014 and that the village’s garage sales are taking place this weekend.

• Entered executive session to discuss personnel. No action was taken.

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