The Evening Leader

Memorial Meanings

- John Bernstein

People much more gave, one word they eloquent than I have spoke; but we know provided thoughtful they summed up and reflection­s about Memorial perfected, by one supreme Day. Some of those quotes are here act, the highest for your reflection. virtues of men and

“As we express our citizens. For the love of gratitude, we must never country they accepted forget that the highest death, and thus resolved appreciati­on is not all doubts, and to utter words but to made immortal their live by them.” — John

F. Kennedy. patriotism and their

“The legacy of heroes virtue.” — James Garfield. — the memory of a great name, and the “And they who for inheritanc­e of a great their country die shall example.” — Benjamin fill an honored grave, Disraeli for glory lights the soldier’s

“…And if words cannot repay the debt we tomb, and beauty owe these men, surely weeps the brave.” — with our actions we Joseph Rodman Drake. must strive to keep “Our nation owes faith with them and a debt to its fallen heroes with the vision that that we can never led them to battle and fully repay.” — Barack to final sacrifice.” —

Ronald Reagan Obama.

“The veterans of “Heroism doesn’t always our military services happen in a burst have put their lives on of glory. Sometimes the line to protect the small triumphs and freedoms that we enjoy. large hearts change the They have dedicated

course of history.” — their lives to their country and deserve to Mary Roach. be recognized for their “A hero is someone commitment.” — Judd who has given his or Gregg. her life to something

“It’s better to fight bigger than oneself.” for something in life — Joseph Campbell.

nd than to die for nothing.”

“Our flag does not — Gen. George S.

Patton fly because the wind

“Our debt to the heroic moves it. It flies with men and valiant the last breath of each women in the service soldier who died protecting of our country can it.” — Unknown. never be repaid. They have earned our undying gratitude. America “The United States will never forget their and the freedom for sacrifices.” — Harry S. which it stands, the Truman. freedom for which they

“America without died, must endure and her soldiers would be prosper. Their lives remind like God without His us that freedom angels.” — Claudia

Pemberton. is not bought cheaply.

“Courage is more It has a cost; it imposes exhilarati­ng than fear, a burden. And just as and in the long run, it is they whom we commemorat­e easier. We do not have were willing to become heroes overnight. to sacrifice, so too Just one step at a must we—in a less final, time.” — Eleanor Roosevelt less heroic way—

“We do not know be willing to give of one promise these men ourselves.” — Ronald made, one pledge they Reagan

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