The Fort Morgan Times

Hints of spring are popping up in the Valley lately, the G.L.A.D. Club reports; plus a recipe

- By G.L.A.D. Club

The Robin’s Song

Last night I heard a robin singing in the rain,

And the raindrops’ patter made a sweet refrain,

Making all the sweeter the music of the strain

So, I thought, when trouble comes, as trouble will,

Why should I stop singing? Just beyond the hill

It may be that sunshine floods the green world still.

He who faces trouble with a hear t of cheer

Makes the burden lighter. If there falls a tear,

Sweeter is the cadence in the song we hear.

I have learned your lesson, bird of dappled wing,

Listening to your music with its promises of spring:

When the storm cloud darkens, then is the time to sing.

– Eben E. Rexford

We had hints of spring: The robins were in the trees, and there are sprigs of green on the grass. Let’s welcome spring!

Smile a Little: Mousetrap – Wife: “Don’t forget to bring home another mousetrap.” Husband:

“What’s the matter with the one I brought yesterday?” Wife: “It’s full!”

Church Chat: The St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church will celebrate mass on Sunday mornings at 7 a.m. Pastor Rev. Erik Vigil Reyes and Parochial Vicar Rev. Francis Saleth, HGN, will share the ser vices. Confession will celebrated before mass.

Weldon Valley Presbyteri­an Church in Goodrich has worship at 10 a.m. each Sunday. Contact informatio­n for Pastor Denise Shannon is 720-271-6733 or pastordeni­

Lenten Bible study after church ser vice is at 11:30 a.m. in person at the church or on Zoom on March 7, 14 and 28 at 11:30 a.m. The Book is “The Sign and the Sacrifice” by Rowan Williams.

School Scoop: Students and staff are working hard to make it through the school year.

4-H News: Many members are busy with new projects for the year.

What’s Cookin’: Easy Cheese Sauce – 2 egg yolks, 1 cup sour cream, 1 cup grated Cheddar cheese, 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese. Mix all ingredient­s together, cook slowly on medium heat. Stir constantly until smooth. Use as desired on vegetables and meats. May also be cooked in microwave. Remember to stir often.

First Facts: 1956 – President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a measure making “In God We Trust” the national motto, replacing “E Pluribus Unum” (out of many, one).

Weldon Valley History: It was a day of reminiscin­g, fun, laughter and more fun when over 200 alumni and guests gathered for an allschool Weldon Valley Reunion. This was the fourth reunion in the past 20 years sponsored by the Weldon Valley alumni Associatio­n. The activities began in the afternoon when many met at the school. The evening activities took place in Fort Morgan at the Countr y Steak Out.

Calendar of Events: A reminder – Daylight Saving Time begins on Sunday, March 14, 2021.

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