The Fort Morgan Times

God’s word saves

- Jacob Hanneman is the pastor of Shepherd of the Plains Lutheran Church in Fort Morgan. In-person worship is at 9 a.m. Sundays. Worship online is at www.shepherdof­theplainsl­utheranchu­

But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters loved by the Lord, because God chose you from the beginning to be saved through the sanctifyin­g work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth. He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. — 2 Thessaloni­ans 2:13-14

What makes someone a Christian? That isn’t an uncommon question with all the different religions and philosophi­es in the world, but what is the answer?

Many people will say, “I am a Christian because that was how I was brought up.” “I am a Christian because I went to this church all my life and this is where I call home.” “I am a Christian because my parents made me.”

Is that how you see it? Is that the answer you would give or have given in the past? Does your Christiani­ty rely on your upbringing? Truly, it had a lot to do with it, but this isn’t why you are a Christian today.

No, the answer isn’t found in what we or our parents have done. No, the answer is found in what our God has done and still does for us.

Today, Paul tells why we can say that we are a Christian, grace. It is by God’s miraculous power that brought us to faith in him. When we consider our natural condition when being born all we can do is marvel at our God’s power.

We are born enemies of God who want nothing to do with him.

Often Christians struggle with the importance of going to church or studying God’s word daily. This is because we are born with a sinful nature that hates God’s word and is still trying to control our lives.

The fact that anyone can say “I believe in Jesus Christ” and mean it is truly a miracle of God.

On our own, all we want to do is run in the opposite direction. Yet, God the Holy Spirit, through the teaching of God’s word, which is absolute truth, found a way to bring his people to faith without force and without their help.

While this can’t be explained logically, this is still what happened. It’s a miracle that anyone believes and is saved. You are a miracle and I am a miracle. We are all miracles and for that reason we should give thanks to our God for finding away to bring us into his family.

But knowing this will help us to look at this world differentl­y too. No matter who they are or where they come from, your God wants everyone saved, just like he wants you to be saved. To save them, Jesus went to the same cross to die as he did for you. He also uses the same powerful word to change their hearts has he changed yours.

God doesn’t hate some and love others. He loves us all and he wants us all to be saved. So, share God’s word and share all of it. Don’t leave parts out because it is all true. From Adam and Eve, Noah and the flood, Moses, David, Jesus, Paul and everything and everyone in between.

Happy to know my God uses is power to save me, just like you!

 ?? ?? Jacob Hanneman
Jacob Hanneman

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