The Fort Morgan Times



Community members show support for Hodgson, Bass

Dear Editor, We the undersigne­d, concerned citizens of the Brush and surroundin­g communitie­s, want to declare our support for Mr. Scott Hodgson and Mr. Bradley Bass. We cannot stand for the ongoing and apparently vindictive actions of the Brush Police Department and the Brush City Administra­tion against Mr. Hodgson, Mr. Bass and the Brush School District.

Anyone who attends or watches the video feed of the Brush City Council meetings or the Brush Board of Education meetings knows there is a strained relationsh­ip between the City of Brush and the Brush School District. The view from the outside makes it look as though the Police Department has taken this strained relationsh­ip to a new level. Something that could have been handled by a conversati­on, education, and training, has resulted in the potential end to a career in education for two talented educators. The actions of the Brush Police Department have already caused irrevocabl­e damage to their personal and profession­al reputation­s. In this process, the very children that the Police Department claims to want to protect are thrown into the public spotlight, causing them to be revictimiz­ed.

The Police Department stated in their last press release “We ask the community to join us in moving forward on the pathway to forgive these atrocities and begin to focus on rebuilding trust in our teachers and schools.” Based on their actions throughout this process and in recent intergover­nmental issues between the City and the School District, we believe that it is the Police Department and the City of Brush administra­tion that needs to rebuild trust.

John Bass

Sonya Bass

Catherine Hodgson

Tressa Bass

Kim Wolever

Shelby Milleson

Raelene Massey

Amber Wolever

Marshal Unrein

Nicole Unrein

Hailey Unrein

Lora Kingcade

Susan Kendrick

Jordan Kendrick

Sharon Wolever

Sally Holdren

Trent Mount

Margo Kissler

Abby Rule

Kayla Castrup

Kevin Castrup

Chad Grifftih

Steve Griffith

Shelly Griffith

Zach Griffith

Harold Griffith

Tom George

Sharon George

Kristin Bass

Travis Bass

Matt Padilla

Llewellyn Bass

Dustin Bass

Paige Bass

Sumner Rule

Carson Rule

Jimmy Kissler

Jerry Bass

Jill Gleason

Todd Daughenbau­gh Marta Tadolina

Adam Parachini

Mardee Parachini

Jace Mortensen

Philip Albert

Erin Kukus

Tracy Berg

Jessica Martinez Christian Valles

Sara Bock

Wayne Bock

Allison Mount

Kalai Unrein

Tyler Daughenbau­gh

Jill Curtis

Sheila Sweenie

Kamille Sweeney Ashley Cook Sepulvada Julie Snoeck

Venessa Jones

Erika Magnuson

Rene’ Magnuson Charles Magnuson

Rod Link

Keegan Link

Trevor Link

Kim Pabst

Angie Hayes

Marlene Baker

Faye L. Weiss

Shannon Chacon William Dale Chacon Karen J. Blake

Katy Ginther

James Ginther

Derek Lynch

Erin Lynch

Reesa Larsen

Jami Nicolaus

Donna Lynch

Brian Lynch

Diane Baker

Matt Baker

Andrea Mendoza

Chris Wacker

Debbie A. Wacker Carisa R. Carmin

Kelly Carmin

Danielle Ziegler

Erik Stone

Cheryl Carlson

Tony Carlson

Kathy Gutierrez

Michael Gutierrez

Ceri Middlemist

Laura Flood

James Flood

Jodie Garrett

Spenser Garrett

Jessica Ginther Ramirez Jim Ramirez

Cassie Potts

Lindsey Kimball

Jon T. Cook

Roxanne Cook

Gary Likely

Derek Hass

Jonathan Caldino

Cindy Garrett

Susan A. Balderston Cheryl Grauberger Maddy Rule

Willow Daughenbau­gh Debbie Daughenbau­gh Shawn T. Cody

Anthony Wilson

Janet Wilson

Morgan Hass

Makayla Baker

Karen Hunter

Elaine Caughlin

Jimmie Likely

Deborah Romero

Phyllis Wood

Wando Weilano

Brooklyn Cox

Dorothy Dick

D. Blake

Tanisha Bules

Joe Chapman

Kelsey Kalous

Maverick Seewald Ashley Holtorf

Katherine Leis

Dorothy Leis

Josiah Leis

Alicia Hawkins

Ryan Nichols

Connie Jennings

Noe Vazquez

Kendall Vazquez

Jolene Champion

Aaron Nichols

Kenzie Nichols

Carla Montez

Carli Nichols

Kenedi Schneider

Peri Nichols

Bill Nichols

Cara S. Draegert

Todd Draegert

Quinton Draegert

Ashley Arroyo

Branden Arroyo

Julie Peckham

Sarah Metzger

Taryn Yzaguirre

Carla Mussell

George Mussell

Barbara Bolinger

Kim Kraich

Bill Annan

Brenda Caleb

Gerye Caleb

Adrian Cardenas Kandy Guzman

Laryy R. Castrup Jacqueline R. Castrup Tara Samples

Al J. Campbell

Jolece A. Campball Jim Doane

Deb Johnson

Larry Johnson

Nancy Roark

Lauron Roark

Carole Treadway

Tara Reyes

Barbara Garrett

Terry E. Garrett

Nicole Campa

Julio Campa

Cheryl Meza

Randy Meza

Crystal Aguilar

Jose Aguilar

Crystal Frazier

Cody Frazier

Cindy Massey

Brooks Massey

Kyler Massey

Kevin Massey

Danny L. Crowell Chelsi Hastings

Adam Baughman Charles Coats Francisco Garcia Bonita G. Curtis

Cody J Curtis

James A. Hastings Lacey Hastings Marisol Hastings Melissa Baughman J. W. Massey

Betty Massey

Kathryn Wisner Richard Bennet Ronald Unrein

Patricia A. Unrein Christina Thyne Amanda Rule

Sydney Odell

Tom Odle

Amber Odle

Verna Mares

Greg Mares

Kate Jilek

Sandra Cardenas

Gail Corral

Mayra Cardenas Madison Griffith Lauren Keller

Olivia Odle

Brooke Rule

Matt Wulf

Tiffiny Wulf

Spencer Rule

Emily Eby

Mary Ginther

Brenda Shelton Heather Kalous

Matt Kalous

Aysha Yzaguirre Bridget Link

Jennifer Aragost Nicole Stone

Kylie Bonbonn

 ?? ??

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