The Fort Morgan Times

Promises kept

- Jacob Hanneman is the pastor of Shepherd of the Plains Lutheran Church in Fort Morgan. In-person worship is at 9 a.m. Sundays. Online worship can be found at www.shepherdof­theplainsl­utheranchu­

“I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” — Jeremiah 29:11

Are you prepared for the future? That can be a pretty scary question, can’t it?

When we think about the future, we can start to get nervous just because we are facing the unknown. How can you really be prepared for something that you don’t know is going to happen?

To help us with handling whatever our lives have in store for us, our God has given us some pretty amazing promises.

One promise is found in the passage above which is a favorite for many. Is that your favorite “go-to” verse when you start to fear what life has in store? Maybe you prefer the promise found in Romans: we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. Maybe your favorite is found in Hebrews that talks about how God will never leave us nor forsake us.

There are thousands of other promises from God to help us face today, tomorrow, and every day.

But with every promise of God, there is always a little layer of doubt building up inside all of us.

When it comes down to genuinely trusting that God’s promises are real, we have a hard time accepting them especially when we apply them to our lives.

We face tragedies in our lives, and sometimes we figure that our misfortune is somehow too big for

God to handle. We sin like everyone else, but sometimes we feel that somehow our sins are different and far worse than everyone else’s and impossible for God to forgive.

However, that is just not true. There isn’t a tragedy that someone else hasn’t faced before, and a sin committed that the whole world isn’t guilty of, and God has proven that they are no match for his power.

God shows us in his word and even in our lives how he has kept his promises for us. We have seen in the past how our God has made all things work for our good in various ways, and so, we know that God will continue to keep that promise in the coming years.

We have seen through Jesus that he has forgiven the whole world of their sins, which includes you and me, and therefore know that there is no sin we have committed that wasn’t nailed with Jesus on the cross and paid for by him.

Even though we have at times doubted our God, he continues to come through for us. Hold onto the promises of God and trust that he will keep every single one of them because only he can.

Happy to know that my God keeps his promises to me always, just like you!

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