The Fort Morgan Times

Who, exactly, is in Colorado Congressio­nal District 4 (CD4)?


In 2023, Colorado re-drew the boundaries of who votes for each person sent to the U.S. House of Representa­tives. The accompanyi­ng map shows the percentage of active voters in each county in Congressio­nal District 4 (CD4). It is important to highlight that, Douglas County dominates the percentage of active voters with 47.6%, and the 14 most rural counties have a combined 13.5% of active voters.

Is this a reason to give up on closing the rural-urban divide if you live in a rural area? No! I live in Washington County and I am running to be the next CD4 Representa­tive. Many in

Washington County believe as I do. We believe when the going gets tough, the tough get going and the tough need to vote. Washington County won the award for the highest percentage of voters who voted in the 2022 election. I challenge every county to exceed our voting percentage during the upcoming election cycle.

When you vote for your next representa­tive to US Congress, think about this map. There are three Douglas County CD4 candidates in this race who publicly imply the replacemen­t for Ken Buck should be from Douglas County, since it has almost half the population of the district. I wholeheart­edly disagree.

Just because our family’s small business happens to be a cattle ranch, farm, and feedlot, doesn’t mean I cannot understand the issues of all small business owners in CD4. Taxes are too high and regulation­s stifle all businesses everywhere. Just because 3 of my 5 daughters live in small towns, doesn’t mean I cannot understand what my other 2 daughters are going through living in the city. I will represent everyone. And, I will leave no one behind!

I have represente­d 16 of the 21 counties in CD4 over the last 5 years. From 2019-2021, I represente­d the 9 southeast counties in HD64. From 2022-present, I have represente­d the 7 northeast counties in HD63. I will lead the stand against the Progressiv­e Left in Washington, DC just like I lead in Denver. Coloradoan­s, we cannot back down from this Democrat-led, CommunistM­arxist, woke push. In addition, we cannot elect candidates who want to represent only the urban corridor and Douglas County.

We can only change the math by voting in the next election. Whether you mail in your ballot or take it to the dropoff box, just Get Out The Vote (GOTV). Take your kids to caucus and assembly to show them what the grass-roots process looks like. Help your neighbors with their ballots. Encourage legal residents to register to vote in 2024. As the most qualified candidate in CD4, I ask for your vote to uphold the values and freedoms this country was founded upon.

Find out more about me at: www.HoltorfFor­ My name is Richard Holtorf. Please stand with me!

 ?? ?? State Rep. Richard Holtorf
State Rep. Richard Holtorf

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