The Guardian (USA)

Charlottes­ville trial: video shows driver sobbing after learning he killed woman

- Reuters

The white nationalis­t who drove a car into a crowd of counter-protesters at a Virginia rally last year began sobbing and whimpering after his arrest when police told him he had killed someone, according to video played at his trial on Tuesday.

Prior to the rally he had sent his mother an image of Adolf Hitler, the court in Charlottes­ville heard on Tuesday.

But within minutes of the mayhem at the tail end of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottes­ville on 12 August 2017, James Fields could be heard on footage recorded by a detective’s bodyworn camera saying he acted in self-defense.

“I didn’t want to hurt people, but I thought they were attacking me,” Fields told the police, according to the video footage played to the jury, which is now expected to opine sooner than expected on whether to convict Fields on 10 charges, including murder.

After police arrested him, Fields, 21, asked at the police station about the extent of the injuries he caused.

“There were people with injuries, one had passed away,” a detective tells Fields, according to video footage from the police station. Fields is then heard sobbing, whimpering and gasping for breath.

Steven Young, the lead detective on the case, testified that it took about two minutes to calm him down. “Mr. Fields appeared to be in a panic,” Young told the court.

Fields was one of hundreds of white nationalis­ts who descended on Charlottes­ville last year to protest the planned removal of a statue honoring the US Civil War-era Confederac­y from a public park. At a rally the night before the incident, protesters marched through the small college city carrying torches and chanting antisemiti­c slogans.

Local paralegal and civil rights activists Heather Heyer was killed after Fields drove his car into her and other counter-protesters, badly injuring others. On Tuesday, Judge Richard Moore allowed prosecutor­s to show the jury a cellphone text message exchange between Fields and his mother the day before Fields traveled to Charlottes­ville.

“I got the weekend off,” Fields wrote to his mother. “I’ll be able to go to the rally.” “Be careful,” his mother replied.

“We’re not the one who need to be careful,” Field wrote. He also attached an image of Adolf Hitler.

Moore told the jury they would have to weigh whether the exchange and the image of the Nazi leader showed that Fields had premeditat­ed intent. Attorneys for Fields called Paul Critzer, a Charlottes­ville sheriff’s department deputy, along with three other law enforcemen­t officers, to the stand on Tuesday afternoon.

Critzer testified that he talked to Fields after stopping his Dodge Charger and telling him to throw his keys out of the window. “He seemed calm in tone. He said, ‘I’m so sorry’,” Critzer said, adding that Fields bolted away from him after initially putting his hands out of the window of his car as if he was going to surrender.

The judge said the defense will call seven or eight witnesses on Wednesday and one witness on Thursday. The jury may get the case on Thursday, he said. The trial had been expected to last three weeks. Fields has denied all the charges.

 ??  ?? James Alex Fields, second left with shield, at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottes­ville, Virginia on 12 August 2017. Photograph: Stringer ./ Reuters
James Alex Fields, second left with shield, at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottes­ville, Virginia on 12 August 2017. Photograph: Stringer ./ Reuters

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