The Guardian (USA)

George Bush’s legacy isn’t so peaceful

- Letters

Amidst the Trump administra­tion’s shameless venality, vulgarity and viciously reactionar­y policies, many liberals on both sides of the Atlantic seem to view the Reagan-Bush years through rose-tinted spectacles. To his credit, Godfrey Hodgson’s obituary of the elder George Bush (Obituary, 3 December) provides a salutary reminder of some of the ugly realities of the time including the notorious “Willie Horton ad” from Bush’s 1988 presidenti­al election campaign, an example of dogwhistle racism, which surely anticipate­d Trump’s appeal.

Curiously, however, the obituary omits mention of a particular­ly horrific feature of Bush’s time at the helm of the CIA. While Operation Condor, a clandestin­e initiative that unfolded over two decades across most of Latin America, predated Bush’s arrival, it was certainly at its bloodiest during his tenure in the mid-1970s. The US covertly poured millions into helping regimes including Pinochet’s Chile, the Argentinia­n junta, and military dictatorsh­ips in Brazil and Paraguay deal with “political dissent”. Credible estimates suggest that 60,000-80,000 leftists, trade union and peasant leaders, and human rights activists perished, while more than 400,000 others wound up as political prisoners across these and other countries in the region.

Simply business as usual for a patrician gentleman? George BinetteLon­don

• So George Bush Sr’s dubiously heroic war experience made him work for peace (‘A different command’: how George HW Bush’s war shaped his work for peace, theguardia­, 2 December)? How can you call his years as CIA director and president suppressin­g popular uprisings abroad, supporting virulent regimes, and launching an imperialis­t war, which reverberat­es to this day, “working for peace”? And how peaceful was it to drum up white racist fear at home in order to beat his Democratic opponent Michael Dukakis?Carole AshleyNew York, USA

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 ??  ?? George Bush in 1976, when he was director of the CIA. Photograph: STR/AFP/Getty Images
George Bush in 1976, when he was director of the CIA. Photograph: STR/AFP/Getty Images

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