The Guardian (USA)

The Central European University is the latest victim of the Trump era

- Cas Mudde

“CEU has been forced out.” That is how Michael Ignatieff, the Canadian president of Central European University (CEU), announced the end of his university’s more than 25 years of operation in Budapest, Hungary. And 20 years after I started my first academic job at this unique university, CEU will no longer be part of Hungarian higher education, moving its operation to Vienna instead. For the first time ever, a university is forced out of an EU member state. Hungary hereby joins a growing group of authoritar­ian countries that (for all purposes) shut down independen­t universiti­es, including Belarus (European Humanities University), Russia (European University at St Petersburg) and Turkey (multiple universiti­es).

CEU was founded in 1991 by USHungaria­n philanthro­pist George Soros, largely to educate the new elites of post-communist Europe in the spirit of “open societies” of Karl Popper, who influenced Soros profoundly when he was a student at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). It soon establishe­d itself as a uniquely internatio­nal, world-class univer

sity which attracted talented faculty and graduate students from across Europe and the world. My classes at CEU never had more than 20% students from the same country – mainly Hungary – which was an invaluable resource for courses on internatio­nal politics in general, and nationalis­m in particular.

Tensions between CEU and the Hungarian rightwing date back decades, notably to the first government of Viktor Orbán in 1998-2002, and are therefore not purely a reflection of the increasing power of radical right politics today. But the fact that Orbán was not only able to frustrate CEU at the turn of the century, but could force them out of Hungary in 2018, is indicative of the populist radical right zeitgeist of what Americans like to call the Trump era.

At the national level, it shows that far from being moderated by EU incorporat­ion, Orbán is continuing to radicalize and to take his project to transform Hungary from a liberal democracy into an “illiberal state” further and further. Emboldened by another engineered constituti­onal majority earlier this year, and an increasing­ly favorable internatio­nal environmen­t, Orbán has opened a full-throttle onslaught on the last vestiges of independen­t civil society in the country, from academia to NGOs, putting cultural institutio­ns and media under ever tighter party control. As the last democratic facades are slipping, Orbán’s authoritar­ian rule is starting to show more and more totalitari­an features.

That all of this happens at the heart of the EU, is perhaps the most shocking aspect of all. After all, the process of European integratio­n is a direct response to the horrors of fascism. The EU was founded to ensure that Europe would “never again” fall victim to radical right rule. This is why many Orbán critics expected the EU to step in and protect liberal democracy – rather than continue to heavily subsidize his authoritar­ian, kleptocrat­ic government.

For years we reached out to the European People’s party (EPP), the mainstream-right political group of which Orbán’s Fidesz party is a member, but to no avail. What we failed to understand, is that most EPP members have long given up on the liberal democratic consensus of the postwar era, in which far-right parties and policies are considered unacceptab­le. Many EPP member parties have entered national coalitions with radical right parties (eg in Austria, Denmark and Italy) or have adopted radical right rhetoric and implemente­d radical right policies to fight off electoral challenges (eg in France and the Netherland­s). In short, the EPP is today much more the party of Viktor Orbán than of Angela Merkel, as the choice of Orbán supporter Manfred Weber (over Alex Stubb) as spitzenkan­didatfor 2019 once again confirmed.

Finally, the CEU affair shows the chilling effects of Trump’s amoral and egocentric America First politics. Two years ago it would have been completely unthinkabl­e that the US would accept the closure of a US institutio­n by another government. In fact, the main reason that Orbán was one of the first internatio­nal leaders to come out in support of Republican candidate Trump was his deep resentment toward Hillary Clinton, who, as secretary of state, had been the most effective and vocal critic of his authoritar­ian policies.

As most people in the world, including in the US, Orbán initially overestima­ted the power of the US president. Hence, he was taken aback by US critique of his higher education bill (nicknamed LexCEU because it specifical­ly targeted CEU), and fired his US ambassador, who had failed to gain access to Trump. Slowly but steadily Orbán figured out that although “America First” does not necessaril­y mean support for other radical right leaders, it does mean that the US no longer objects to their authoritar­ian policies either. As long as you don’t openly oppose Trump, you are free to do whatever you want in your own country. Trump doesn’t care and the US Congress is too obsessed with the various major and minor Trump scandals to engage with the rest of the world (except for some rightwing hobbyhorse­s, like Iran, Israel and Venezuela).

This is a terrifying reality in a world that is increasing­ly governed by authoritar­ian leaders. Three of the largest democracie­s are now run by far-right leaders (Brazil, India and US), while two of the largest non-democracie­s have taken a decisively more authoritar­ian turn (eg China and Russia). In the EU and the US the mainstream right is increasing­ly normalizin­g the radical right, preferring collaborat­ion over opposition, while the mainstream left is too weak or too obsessed with national survival to fight back. If this will not change soon, CEU’s fate will be shared by many more civil society organizati­ons around the world, including in alleged democracie­s.

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