The Guardian (USA)

Michigan Republican­s vote to strip power from incoming Democrat

- Guardian staff and agencies

The Republican-led Michigan senate has voted to bar the incoming Democratic secretary of state from enforcing campaign finance law, one day after Republican­s in Wisconsin similarly took action to restrict the power of newly elected Democrats.

The 25-11 vote, which fell along party lines, was the latest salvo by Republican­s seeking to capitalize on a lame-duck session before handing control of the state’s top elected offices to Democrats.

The measure is among several that opponents say ignore voters who spoke loudly at the ballot box during the midterm elections last month, sweeping Democrats into the roles of governor, attorney general and secretary of state in Michigan.

The GOP-controlled state legislatur­e also rammed through bills to gut the $12-an-hour minimum wage and paid sick leave laws, which are pending approval from the outgoing Republican governor, Rick Snyder. Democrat Gretchen Whitmer is poised to take over the governor’s mansion on 1 January and would veto the controvers­ial Republican legislatio­n.

Republican­s in Wisconsin, North Carolina and Ohio are also under fire for taking action in the lame-duck period between the election and early 2019, when the incoming Democrats will take office, to undermine the powers of the new officehold­ers, especially in the areas of voting rights and gerrymande­ring.

The move in Michigan creates a bipartisan commission to regulate campaign finance, instead of that role being the purview of the Democratic secretary of state-elect, Jocelyn Benson.

Other measures advancing would strengthen legislativ­e power and block future efforts to force non-profits to disclose their donors. Snyder has not confirmed if he will sign the bills.

Republican­s will retain power in the Michigan state legislatur­e next year. But they have sought to strengthen their hand over statewide offices freshly won by Democrats – including that of Whitmer, Benson and the attorney general, Dana Nessel. Democrats have not held all three posts since 1990.

On Thursday morning, Hillary Clinton tweeted: “Republican­s in Michigan and Wisconsin lost elections on Nov. 6. Rather than respect the will of voters, they’re using their last few weeks in office to pass laws limiting the power of new governors and put roadblocks on voting. It’s not just anti-Democratic. It’s anti-democratic.”

In neighborin­g Wisconsin , the GOPled legislatur­e has passed legislatio­n to restrict the incoming Democratic administra­tion’s powers, especially the offices of governor and attorney general. Protesters, incensed at what they saw as an anti-democratic power grab in the dying days of GOP control of the governor’s office, crowded the state capitol in Madison. The outgoing Republican governor, Scott Walker, was heckled at the Christmas tree lighting in the rotunda.

Tony Evers, the Democratic governor-elect of Wisconsin, said on Thursday he will make a personal appeal to Walker to veto lame-duck GOP legislatio­n that would strip the governor of powers.

If that doesn’t work, Evers said he might sue.

“The will of the people has officially been ignored by the legislatur­e,” Evers said. “Wisconsin should be embarrasse­d by this.”

Evers said he would speak to Walker, whom he defeated in November’s election, as soon as the bills reach his desk. If he won’t veto them, Evers said he will consider a lawsuit “to make sure that this legislatio­n does not get into practice”.

A bipartisan group of political figures appealed to Walker on Thursday to avoid staining his legacy and behaving like a sore loser by signing legislatio­n that would weaken the powers of the

Democrat who defeated him.

Rather than notching another partisan victory in his final weeks in office, they said, Walker should think bigger. Think of your recently deceased father, they pleaded. Think of former President George HW Bush. Think of Christ.

“You can have a long, successful career ahead,” the longtime Republican and major GOP donor Sheldon Lubar wrote to Walker in a deeply personal email. “Don’t stain it by this personal, poor-loser action. Ask yourself, what would my father say, what would the greatest man who ever lived, Jesus Christ, say.”

Walker, never one to shy away from a fight, gave no signs Thursday of tipping his hand.

Among protesters at the Michigan capitol in Lansing earlier this week, as the hobbling of the incoming secretary of state was discussed, one wore a large, cartoon-like duck head, emphasizin­g the GOP tactics of using the lame-duck session to undermine their opponents.

And in Ohio, Republican legislator­s are introducin­g a law on an accelerate­d schedule in an attempt to roll back an earlier, voter-approved constituti­onal change that would make gerrymande­ring more difficult for lawmakers.

In North Carolina, allegation­s of election fraud by Republican operatives have thrown a North Carolina congressio­nal race into limbo, sparking investigat­ions and leaving control of the national seat undecided weeks after the midterm elections.

 ??  ?? Michigan governor-elect Gretchen Whitmer in Detroit on 31 October. Photograph: Carlos Osorio/AP
Michigan governor-elect Gretchen Whitmer in Detroit on 31 October. Photograph: Carlos Osorio/AP
 ??  ?? People protest in the capitol rotunda in Lansing, Michigan, on 4 December. Photograph: Robert Killips/AP
People protest in the capitol rotunda in Lansing, Michigan, on 4 December. Photograph: Robert Killips/AP

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