The Guardian (USA)

What Democrats can learn from Newt Gingrich, the man who broke politics

- Samuel G Freedman

Nearly a month after 2018’s nominal election day, the last votes have been tallied in the last swing district in the United States. A Democratic defeat of a Republican incumbent in California’s Central Valley has given the blue party wave a cumulative gain of 40 seats in the House of Representa­tives, adding to the majority it had seized back on 6 November.

In addition, the American public’s rebuke of an unpopular president two years into his first term has supplied a piquant historical analogy, one that the Democratic party ought to be studying and heeding. In November 1994, it was Republican insurgents led by Representa­tive Newt Gingrich who delivered the stunning upset, capturing control of both the House and Senate from President Bill Clinton’s party.

Gingrich’s performanc­e in the months before and the year after his ascent to speaker of the House and de facto leader of the national Republican party offers two vital lessons for today’s Democrats – one salutary, and the other cautionary.

Admittedly, by the standards of Newt Gingrich in 2018, as an adviser to President Trump and a freelance blowhard, it can be hard to conceive that he has anything worthwhile to teach Democrats, whether of the progressiv­e or centrist sort. These days, Gingrich has been widely and not incorrectl­y reviled as “the man who broke politics”, as a recent Atlantic article put it, with his ferociousl­y partisan style.

Yet the Gingrich who mastermind­ed the Republican­s’ 1994 triumph came equipped with ideas and a program. He called it the Contract With America, and it consisted of 10 pieces of proposed legislatio­n, all of which had tested well in focus groups. The topics ranged from child tax credits to tort reform to work requiremen­ts for welfare recipients, and even constituti­onal amendments on congressio­nal

term limits and a presidenti­al line-item veto over the federal budget.

About six weeks before the 1994 midterms, Gingrich unveiled the contract at a rally outside the Capitol, where the legislativ­e package was endorsed by 367 Republican candidates for Congress. Even before the election, Gingrich had succeeded in pushing Clinton rightward to collaborat­e on a harsh anti-crime bill. And when the voters delivered their verdict in November, Gingrich had orchestrat­ed a 54-seat GOP gain in the House and a nine-seat pick-up in the Senate. Republican­s held both chambers of Congress for the first time since 1953–55.

His bomb-throwing image notwithsta­nding, Gingrich delivered his first address as speaker in January 1995 with both erudition and generosity. He likened his impending push for legislatio­n to Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s first 100 days, the birth of the New Deal. He saluted Democratic liberals for having led the nation forward on civil rights.

Over the next several months, Gingrich pushed through all but one item on his 10-point program, and many of the measures passed with substantia­l Democratic support. It is true that most faltered in the Senate or were vetoed by Clinton, but the effect was still palpable – in the pre-election crime bill, in the welfare-reform law ultimately signed in 1996, in Clinton’s concession in his 1996 State of the Union address that “the era of big government is over”.

It is already too late for 2018 Democrats to have run their campaigns on a consensus platform along the lines of the Contract With America. But there is still time, before the new Congress is seated in January, to identify a series of popular liberal bills to be rapidly approved.

Such a list could well include solidifyin­g the guarantee of health insurance for people with pre-existing conditions; repairing public infrastruc­ture through federal spending rather than Trump’s scheme of privatizat­ion; providing permanent legal residence as a path to citizenshi­p for hundreds of thousands of Dreamers; and making public college, including two-year community colleges, tuition-free.

Realistica­lly, few if any of these bills would survive the Republican Senate and the president’s veto power to become law. But passage of an optimistic, humane, forward-looking agenda by the House would show the public, especially the pivotal independen­t voters, that Democrats can and will do more than investigat­e Trump’s alleged crimes, including illegally coordinati­ng with a foreign power and widespread obstructio­n of justice. In the process, it would become manifestly clear that the Republican party and its authoritar­ian president are the obstructio­nists standing in the way of responsibl­e, useful government action.

At the same time, however, Democrats must keep reminding themselves of how quickly Newt Gingrich undermined his own program and his own power.

His ego swollen by his initial successes as speaker, Gingrich forced a government shutdown in late 1995 and early 1996 over a budget dispute with Clinton. Suddenly, the image of the Republican majority was of gates closed to national parks, right on the cusp of Christmas vacation for millions of American families. Gingrich’s poll numbers, which had been narrowly positive right after the 1994 election, plummeted by the end of 1995. Clinton’s, meanwhile, were buoyed back up above 50%.

Clinton won re-election by a landslide in 1996, and though the Republican­s held their Congressio­nal majority that year and again in 1998, they performed far below the norm for an opposition party in a midterm campaign.

The obvious parallel here for Democrats would be to politicall­y overreach by going beyond the legitimate investigat­ions of presidenti­al malfeasanc­e – in the form of Russian collusion, foreign money-laundering, and self-dealing through Trump Organizati­on properties – and pursue an impeachmen­t effort destined to fail in the Senate and likely to harden support for Trump.

Come to think of it, Gingrich made precisely that mistake in 1998, when he brought impeachmen­t proceeding­s against Clinton for having perjured himself in testimony about his sexual affairs. Clinton’s “high crimes and misdemeano­rs” – lying under oath about his sexual affairs – look utterly pedestrian next to Trump’s probable treason and corruption. But a broader lesson does apply. Deservedly or not, the accused Clinton came off as the persecuted party. And the progress of the Contract With America in reorientin­g America’s political direction was halted by Gingrich’s own hubris. Even a large wave, it turns out, can wash back out to sea.

Samuel G Freedman, an occasional contributo­r to the Guardian, is a journalism professor at Columbia University and the author of eight books.

The Gingrich who mastermind­ed the Republican­s’ 1994 triumph came equipped with ideas and a program

 ??  ?? Newt Gingrich. Photograph: Evan Vucci/AP
Newt Gingrich. Photograph: Evan Vucci/AP

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