The Guardian (USA)

Republican­s are staging mini-coups across the US

- Lawrence Douglas

Democracie­s empower the will of majorities. In the US, Republican lawmakers on both the state and national level have rejected that basic principle. In a lame-duck session in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, Republican legislator­s in the state of Wisconsin passed a sweeping bill designed to radically check the powers of the incoming governor. The result of this 11th-hour tactic is an attack on progressiv­e causes, the integrity of the electoral process, and democratic accountabi­lity.

Last month, Democrat Tony Evers won the state gubernator­ial race, unseating Republican incumbent Scott Walker. Among other things, Evers, who made affordable healthcare a key issue in the race, promised to withdraw Wisconsin from yet another tiresome suit against provisions of Obamacare. But the Republican bill would strip him of the power to do so.

Evers also made gun control a central issue of the campaign, promising to ban guns from the Wisconsin Capitol. No, the legislator­s now say, you can’t do that.

Evers promised to clean up Wisconsin’s “Economic Developmen­t Corporatio­n”. Created by Governor Walker, the EDC is the kind of scandalrid­den, crony-stacked organizati­on that the great Republican senator from Wisconsin Robert La Follette once labored tirelessly to expose and reform. But

now legislator­s have acted to undermine the governor’s power to regulate the wasteful and arguably corrupt corporatio­n.

However disgracefu­l, the power grab by Wisconsin’s Republican legislator­s is hardly idiosyncra­tic. Hard on the heels of Democrat Roy Cooper’s capturing the governorsh­ip of North Carolina in 2016, Republican legislator­s in that state voted to aggressive­ly limit the governor’s power. Last month, Democrat Gretchen Whitmer captured the governor’s seat in Michigan, trouncing her Republican opponent by 10 percentage points. Lame-duck Republican legislator­s are now scheming to strip the state’s highest executive of essential powers. On the national level, Senate Republican­s stunningly refused to so much as grant Merrick Garland, President Obama’s nominee to the supreme court, a hearing.

Pundits have described these actions as Republican­s playing “hardball”, though the descriptio­n obscures a noxious reality: Republican­s aren’t playing ball at all – they are rejecting the basic rules of the game. The notion that elections count only when our side wins is nothing short of a repudiatio­n of democracy. Republican­s, on both the national and state level, are essentiall­y staging minor coups.

If Republican­s no longer respect the rules of the democratic process, then they must be forced to pay a political price for their arrogance. And yet Republican­s have been largely insulated from paying this price thanks to the success of an even more audacious campaign to nullify the peoples’ will.

In November, Democrats in Wisconsin won 54% of the statewide vote, and yet they captured just 36 out of 99 seats in the Wisconsin state assembly. This was thanks to the Republican­s’ success in partisan gerrymande­ring. The Wisconsin legislativ­e map was declared unconstitu­tional by a federal court in 2016, but remains in place thanks to a technical ruling by the US supreme court earlier this year.

Hyper-partisan gerrymande­ring is perhaps the most radically anti-democratic fixture of our present political reality. We should all, then, be encouraged by one of most consequent­ial, but largely overlooked, results of last month’s midterms.

Voters in Michigan, Missouri, Colorado and Utah passed ballot initiative­s emphatical­ly rejecting such gerrymande­ring. They endorsed the creation of non-partisan redistrict­ing commission­s or otherwise voted to limit the power of a controllin­g party to unilateral­ly draw electoral maps.

We can only hope that these efforts will spread and succeed, spelling the end of radical Republican efforts to ignore the will of the majority.

 ??  ?? Republican passed a sweeping bill designed to radically check the powers of the incoming governor, Tony Evers. Photograph: Scott Olson/ Getty Images
Republican passed a sweeping bill designed to radically check the powers of the incoming governor, Tony Evers. Photograph: Scott Olson/ Getty Images

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