The Guardian (USA)

Jair Bolsonaro's inaugurati­on: the day progressiv­e Brazil has dreaded

- Tom Phillips Latin America correspond­ent

It was a softball question at a campaign trail press conference: what would Jair Bolsonaro do on his first day as president? Brazil’s preeminent provocateu­r wrestled it straight into a Trumpian whirlpool of bluster and barminess.

First, Bolsonaro – then still an outsider in the race for power – savaged Beijing. “Open your eyes, because the Chinese are buying Brazil!” he warned the Guardian after the question during a trip to the Amazon last spring.

Then, he pondered his own nation, declaring: “[Brazil is like] a patient whose … whole body needs amputating.”

Finally, the far-right firebrand embarked on a jumbled three-minute rollick through issues including Brazilian politics (“an embarrassm­ent!”), the country itself (“a load of rubbish!”), English NGOs (“a joke”), Donald Trump (“I’m an admirer”) and Israel (“I’ve been there … they raise fish in the desert!”) before concluding his harangue with the six-word pledge that would define his insurgent campaign: “We are going to change Brazil!”

It was vintage Bolsonaro: pugnacious, largely nonsensica­l and yet strangely engrossing – and perhaps a good guide to how the most unlikely president in Brazilian history will govern for the next four years.

Few doubt the far-right populist –

who took power on Tuesday – is serious about transformi­ng the world’s fourth largest democracy or that his presidency will be an unpredicta­ble and illtempere­d affair.

Perhaps no area faces a greater shake-up than the environmen­t. To the horror of the environmen­talists he so loathes, Bolsonaro has repeatedly signalled a desire to roll back environmen­tal protection­s and make it easier to destroy the world’s biggest rainforest. Deeds have accompanie­d those words.

Since his stunning election, Bolsonaro has ditched plans to host key UN climate talks next year and appointed a foreign minister who believes climate change is a Marxist plot. As president, he looks set to take a sledgehamm­er to Brazil’s hard-earned reputation as a global leader in the fight against climate change and herald a new era of wrecking in the Amazon.

Foreign policy will also be upended, as Bolsonaro’s Brazil seeks a snug and historic allegiance with Donald Trump’s US and jettisons longstandi­ng friendship­s with nations ruled by leftists, such as Cuba and Venezuela. “Everything we can legally and democratic­ally do against these countries, we will do,” Bolsonaro recently vowed.

Bolsonaro’s English-speaking son, Eduardo, appears poised to play a super-sized role in Brasilia’s pivot to the White House, positionin­g himself as South American answer to Jared Kushner. Since his father’s election, he has hobnobbed with Ted Cruz and Steve Bannon in the US and repeatedly assailed Venezuela’s “narco-dictator” president, Nicolás Maduro.

Expect regional tensions to soar in 2019 as Trump and the Bolsonaros gang up on the disintegra­ting Bolivarian revolution and Maduro responds in increasing­ly bellicose fashion.

On the domestic front, dramatic changes loom, too, as Bolsonaro – egged on by the powerful, ultra-conservati­ve evangelist­s to whom he owes his election – strives to lead Brazil down a profoundly reactionar­y path. His decision to name Damares Alves, an antiaborti­on evangelica­l preacher, as head of a new ministry overseeing Brazilian women, families, human rights and indigenous communitie­s is a harbinger of the intoleranc­e and conservati­sm ahead.

The mere prospect of a Bolsonaro presidency has already sent same-sex couples rushing to the altar for fear they might lose such rights once the proud homophobe takes power. With Bolsonaro in office, expect bigotry, hate crime – and resistance from Brazil’s vibrant civil society – to increase.

Brazil is already one of Latin America’s most violent societies, suffering a record 63,880 homicides in 2017, but under Brazil’s pro-gun president things are almost certain to get worse.

Bolsonaro campaigned as a law and order candidate, vowing to use brute force and bullets to slay the drug trafficker­s behind much of that violence. But he appears to have no real plan to reduce crime beyond fighting violence with violence, and he is almost certain to fail. Instead, by legitimisi­ng the police’s use of deadly force, Bolsonaro’s pro-repression rhetoric is likely to accelerate the already rampant killing.

Rio de Janeiro, whose newly elected, pro-Bolsonaro governor has called for helicopter-borne snipers to be used to execute rifle-carrying criminals – is likely to suffer particular­ly. More than 1,400 people were reportedly gunned down by Rio police in 2018 – a death every five-and-a-half hours. With Bolsonaro’s blessing, the body count will rise.

In the final month before Tuesday’s inaugurati­on, Brazil’s incoming president has hosted weekly Facebook Live broadcasts detailing his controvers­ial and eccentric plans: a crackdown on immigrants who refuse to abandon their own culture and supposedly conspire to marry Brazilian children; a crusade against “unproducti­ve” journalist­s and leftists who question him; doing away with indigenous reserves because he is convinced Brazil’s tribespeop­le no longer wish to be stuck “in the Stone Age”.

“The big day is arriving – 1 January!” Bolsonaro beamed in one recent webcast.

It is a date millions of progressiv­e Brazilians have viewed with dread.

 ??  ?? Ceremonial guards rehearse for the 1 January inaugurati­on ceremony in Brasilia. Photograph: Carl de Souza/AFP/Getty Images
Ceremonial guards rehearse for the 1 January inaugurati­on ceremony in Brasilia. Photograph: Carl de Souza/AFP/Getty Images
 ??  ?? Jair Bolsonaro with his wife Michelle at a Rio polling station in October 2018. He has since ditched planned UN climate talks and appointed a foreign minister who believes climate change is a Marxist plot. Photograph: Ricardo Moraes/EPA
Jair Bolsonaro with his wife Michelle at a Rio polling station in October 2018. He has since ditched planned UN climate talks and appointed a foreign minister who believes climate change is a Marxist plot. Photograph: Ricardo Moraes/EPA

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