The Guardian (USA)

DNA discoverer James Watson loses honors over views on race

- Erin Durkin in New York

A New York laboratory has cut ties with James Watson, the Nobel Prizewinni­ng scientist who helped discover DNA, over “reprehensi­ble” comments in which he said race and intelligen­ce are connected.

The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory said it was revoking all titles and honors from Watson, 90, who led the lab for many years.

The lab “unequivoca­lly rejects the unsubstant­iated and reckless personal opinions Dr James D Watson expressed on the subject of ethnicity and genetics”, its president, Bruce Stillman, and chair of the board of trustees Marilyn Simons said in a statement.

“Dr Watson’s statements are reprehensi­ble, unsupporte­d by science, and in no way represent the views of CSHL, its trustees, faculty, staff, or students. The laboratory condemns the misuse of science to justify prejudice.”

With Francis Crick and Rosalind Franklin, the scientist was one of the researcher­s who discovered the double helix strucure of DNA in 1953.

In 2007, the lab removed him as chancellor after he told the Sunday Times he was “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligen­ce is the same as ours, whereas all the testing says, not really”.

He also said that while he wished the races were equal, “people who have to deal with black employees find this not true.”

Watson apologized at the time but in a recent documentar­y he said his views have not changed.

“Not at all,” he said in the PBS documentar­y American Masters: Decoding Watson, the New York Times reported.

“I would like for them to have changed, that there be new knowledge that says that your nurture is much more important than nature. But I haven’t seen any knowledge. And there’s a difference on the average between blacks and whites on IQ tests. I would say the difference is, it’s genetic.”

The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory said it was revoking Watson’s honorary titles, which include chancellor emeritus, Oliver R Grace professor emeritus, and honorary trustee.

The latest comments “effectivel­y reverse the written apology and retraction Dr Watson made in 2007”, the lab said, adding it appreciate­s his legacy of scientific discoverie­s and leadership of the institutio­n but can no longer be associated with him.

“The statements he made in the documentar­y are completely and utterly incompatib­le with our mission, values, and policies, and require the severing of any remaining vestiges of his involvemen­t,” Simons and Stillman said.

The Times reported that Watson’s family said he was unable to respond, having been in medical care since a car accident in October. The PBS interview was filmed last summer.

 ??  ?? James Watson has been stripped of several honorary titles over ‘reprehensi­ble’ comments in which he said race and intelligen­ce are connected. Photograph: Jose Mendez/EPA
James Watson has been stripped of several honorary titles over ‘reprehensi­ble’ comments in which he said race and intelligen­ce are connected. Photograph: Jose Mendez/EPA

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