The Guardian (USA)

How Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez beat everyone at Twitter in nine tweets

- Max Benwell

When it comes to Twitter, Alexandria OcasioCort­ez, who became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress last November, beats every other US politician hands, nose and elbows down. She has built one of the most engaged followings on Capitol Hill in just eight months and was even appointed to teach social media lessons to her colleagues upon her arrival.

How does she do it? I spend my days analyzing data for the Guardian and helping run our social media accounts, so I’m used to digging into numbers and figuring out what gets people going. And more often than not, it’s the less obvious things that reveal what’s really happening.

Ocasio-Cortez’s Twitter account (@AOC) has more than 3.1 million followers. It has gained more than 2.6 million of these in the last eight months. Before she won her primary in June, beating a powerful 10-term Democratic incumbent, she only had 446,000 followers.

Ocasio-Cortez also has more than 2.1 million followers on Instagram and 500,000 on Facebook, but Twitter is where she really dominates the conversati­on.

She already has more Twitter followers than the speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (2.2 million), and she only just trails Joe Biden (3.3 million).

She may have far fewer followers than Trump (58.2 million), but if you look at her interactio­n rate, which averages out overall interactio­ns per tweet against the account’s number of followers, it’s 2.8% for the last three months.

That may not sound like much, but to put it in perspectiv­e, Donald Trump’s is 0.2%. Barack Obama’s is 0.4%. Hillary Clinton’s is 0.2%. Bernie Sanders’ is 0.09%.

Even when you look at pure, nonweighte­d engagement, Ocasio-Cortez still punches well above her weight. For example, Trump has 21 times more followers than her. Yet he generated only 2.5 times as many total interactio­ns as she did in January (43.2m compared to 17.5m).

All these numbers are useful for understand­ing the scale of OcasioCort­ez’s Twitter popularity, but do little in terms of explaining it. To further understand why they’ve done so well,

here’s a brief timeline of her rapid ascent, and the tweets that have defined it:

She doesn’t let critics shape her narrative (June 2018)

Ocasio-Cortez introduced herself to many voters with a campaign video in May that ended up going semi-viral. But it was her primary win in June that first gave her a national platform, and this tweet (her biggest in June) set the tone for how she was going to operate.

It quickly establishe­d that OcasioCort­ez wasn’t going to let her critics – whether Republican­s or Democrats – shape her narrative. Her tweet is a twopart fact-check. But instead of using cold stats like fact-checks usually do, she provides photograph­ic and anecdotal evidence that’s much more personal and emotive.

She uses Fox News to her advantage (July 2018)

Whether they like it or not, the very fair and balanced people over at Fox News have played a considerab­le role in Ocasio-Cortez’s success. On top of the all the free airtime they’ve given her, they’ve also provided her with plenty of ammo.

The above graphic in particular sparked a running joke that OcasioCort­ez would use again: is the Fox News graphics department actually on her side?

She calls Republican­s out (August 2018)

During a recent talk, the writer Ta-Nehisi Coates asked Ocasio-Cortez when she decides to “dunk on fools”. “Whoever is coming at me in my mentions with a blue check when I haven’t eaten in three hours,” she said. “And until more people start pitching in and holding people to account, I’m just going to let them have it.”

The above tweet was one of the first big examples of her doing this, when she picked apart Ben Shapiro’s strange and expensive debate challenge.

She makes fact-checking fun (September 2018)

This was Ocasio-Cortez’s most popular tweet in September and, just like her biggest one in June, she’s setting the record straight.

Targeting the far right is always going to be a popular move on Twitter. But it’s her use of “slaying lewks” that douses her already fire tweet with the most flammable thing on the internet: relatabili­ty. She speaks the language of her young fans, and they’ve probably never seen anything like it from a politician before.

This is what really sets her apart in Congress. Most politician­s are elected to represent normal people yet have to hire consultant­s for advice on how to speak to millennial­s. Remember when Hillary Clinton told people to “Pokémon Go to the polls”?

It should also be noted that September was the month Ocasio-Cortez took her Fox-trolling to new heights:

She has a compelling backstory (October 2018)

It’s no surprise that, in an age where authentici­ty matters more than ever, Ocasio-Cortez has done so well. Her story of growing up in a working-class family and bartending a year before she won her primary has become a powerful part of her appeal.

It’s not the sole reason she’s popular, but rather acts as a shield around her beliefs. Republican­s have tried to dismantle this story as much as possible, and you can see why. After they’ve spent decades trying to paint liberals as out-of-touch elites, it’s one of the biggest threats to their entire narrative.

She’s fluent in emoji (November 2018)

It may not sound like much to anyone who regularly uses emojis, but this is big for a member of Congress. Remember when Hillary asked people to sum up how people felt about student debt in three emojis? And can you imagine someone like Beto O’Rourke or Elizabeth Warren even using the crylaughin­g one without it looking weird? (Case in point: Warren attempted to speak internet last month, by asking the account WeRateDogs if her golden retriever was a “15/10 official Good Boy”.)

There’s no magic to Ocasio-Cortez’s use of our modern-day hieroglyph­s, but what’s notable is how you rarely notice them – they never jar or stand out. Like the rest of her language they have a natural flow, and help crystalliz­e her air of authentici­ty.

She’s willing to criticize the establishm­ent she’s now part of (December 2018)

This tweet was Ocasio-Cortez’s biggest in December. In it, she contrasts her working-class background with her new job in Congress, and taps into people’s huge frustratio­ns with the healthcare system.

Intentiona­lly or not, it proves she’s still one of us, and isn’t going to give Congress a free pass now she’s part of it. There’s not much to dislike if you’re a young, leftwing American who values authentici­ty and a willingnes­s to hold power to account.

She can dance and make a political point at the same time – January 2018

January was @AOC’s biggest month so far, with the account adding a million new followers. A great deal of this momentum was generated by this one tweet, which got over 160k retweets and 787,000 likes.

The video shows her dancing to Edwin Starr’s song War (the one that goes “what is it good for?”). It was a tongue-in-cheek response after she was “outed” for dancing in a spoof music video in college.

The original footage was posted by a strange, seemingly rightwing account looking to undermine her. “Here is America’s favorite commie know-itall acting like the clueless nitwit she is,” read the post. The account was later deleted, raising the hilarious possibilit­y that it was planted by someone on the left who knew it would do wonders for her.

Either way, it became the new focal point for the left’s battle with the right over Ocasio-Cortez, and a huge news story.

The idea that all Republican­s were mocking her for dancing quickly took hold, despite limited examples of them doing so. But the smear did chime with many of the right’s pearl-clutching attacks on her, and the leftwing backlash became part of a wider cry of frustratio­n over her treatment by Republican­s.

Ocasio-Cortez’s tweet was the climax of the whole ordeal and even by her standards was a surprise. Politician­s have danced before; Obama was particular­ly adept at it. But has anyone ever done it in a way that is both entertaini­ng and makes a deft political point?

The tweet is really a perfect example of why Ocasio-Cortez has done so well on Twitter. She doesn’t just respond to news or release statements like most politician­s – she creates her own content and makes her own news, in an unpredicta­ble and authentic way.

And just when you think you’ve seen all the possible fact-checks, clapbacks, and details from her past, she comes out dancing.

 ??  ?? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:Ἠ. Photograph: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:Ἠ. Photograph: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

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