The Guardian (USA)

US begins work on new cruise missile after pulling out of cold war treaty

- Julian Borger in Washington

The US has begun building parts for a new ground-launched cruise missile in anticipati­on of the end of a cold war treaty that banned them, the Pentagon has confirmed.

The Trump administra­tion declared on 1 Februaryit was no longer bound by the Intermedia­te-range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty and would withdraw completely in August, pointing to the deployment of a new Russian missile which the US has complained for more than six years was a violation of the agreement.

Vladimir Putin suspended Russian INF obligation­s a month later.

Michelle Baldanza, a Pentagon spokeswoma­n, said on Monday that fabricatio­n had begun on components for a new ground-launched cruise missile (GLCM), which was first reported by Aviation Week.

It is the first time the US has built such weapons since the 1980s when cruise missiles were deployed in Europe in a tense standoff against Soviet SS-20 missiles.

Baldanza said that in response to Russian violation of the treaty, the US defence department started “treatycomp­liant research and developmen­t of convention­al, ground-launched missile concepts in late 2017”.

She stressed that the missile involved was convention­al, not nuclear. She added that because the US had previously observed the INF treaty, the research work was in its early stages, but now that the US was no longer bound by its INF obligation­s, it was moving forward with developmen­t efforts.

She said work had started fabricatin­g “components to support developmen­tal testing of these systems”, adding that this work “would have been inconsiste­nt with our obligation­s under the treaty”.

“This research and developmen­t is designed to be reversible, should Russia return to full and verifiable compliance before we withdraw from the treaty in August 2019,” Baldanza said.

For some years, Russia denied developing a medium-range missile, the 9M729, but after being presented with US intelligen­ce on its existence, argued that its range was just under the lower 500km limit banned under the INF. The argument was not accepted by Washington’s Nato allies, who backed the Trump administra­tion, which blamed Russia for the end of the INF.

Thomas Countryman, former assistant secretary of state for internatio­nal security and nonprolife­ration, said it was disappoint­ing that European allies had not put more pressure on Russia on its missile developmen­t before Trump pulled out of the INF.

“But it’s not too late for the Europeans to make proposals to suggest a post-INF scenario,” said Countryman, chairman of the board of the Arms Control Associatio­n in Washington. He added that an agreement could be made on not deploying Russian and US missiles in Europe, or to pledge not to make any of the new medium-range missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.

Sergey Rogov, director of the institute for the US and Canada at the Russian Academy of Sciences, said that the return of medium-range missiles to Europe would create a much more dangerous situation than the 1980s nuclear standoff.

“If the new US missiles are deployed in the Baltic countries or Poland their flight time to Russia would be three or four minutes,” Rogov said, speaking at the Carnegie Internatio­nal Nuclear Policy Conference in Washington.

He added that would make Russian early warning systems redundant, forcing Russia to rely on carrying out a preemptive strike against US weapons, or

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