The Guardian (USA)

Facebook is asking to be regulated but wants to choose how

- Emily Bell

A year on from the Cambridge Analytica scandal, two and a half years on from the advent of fake news and the 2016 presidenti­al elections, and many years on from academics and occasional journalist­s raising their hands in concern about the emerging issues of our informatio­n environmen­t, are we any closer to fixing the problem?

Like climate change and the financial system, the answer to this question is both yes, and no. Yes in that we now, at least, have a shared understand­ing of just how great the problems are: we have a totally unregulate­d media environmen­t run by a handful of giant US corporatio­ns that built their companies so fast it is now clear they had no idea what they were doing. Or, indeed, how to effectivel­y stop some of the unwanted consequenc­es such as genocide, live-streamed terror attacks and stolen elections. And no, in that our capacity to agree on what “fixing” might look like is extremely limited.

When I moved to the US nine years ago, people laughed at the stupidity of our EU regulation­s. Editors told me, in no uncertain terms, that the type of public media subsidy that existed in the practicall­y communist federation of the EU “would never happen here”. And that any restrictio­ns on Silicon Valley growth or expression were extraordin­arily unlikely.

Now the picture is very different. Candidates for the 2020 Democratic nomination (notably Elizabeth Warren) have detailed plans for platform regulation which would gain public support.

Lawmakers in the US are looking both at European models of regulation and initiative­s to help build more robust civic media. Concerns about platform reach are shared by both the left and the right, and the contest is very much on to establish not the “whether” of regulation but the “what”.

Mark Zuckerberg, the somewhat beleaguere­d creator and chief executive of Facebook, was touring parts of Europe last week, embracing, and even championin­g, the idea of regulation. Given his newfound love for this concept, it is a surprise he missed out Britain, where he has previously been ordered to appear in front of parliament but has so far failed to do so (parliament, to be fair, was taken up with other issues last week).

In fact Zuckerberg did something unpreceden­ted during his management of Facebook so far. He wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post outlining the four areas of the internet that should be regulated. His first two areas were “harmful content” and “election advertisin­g”.

Facebook has been in the vanguard of creating ways in which both harmful content can be generated and easily sent to anyone in the world, and it has given rise to whole new categories of election meddling. Asking for government regulation of “harmful content” is an interestin­g propositio­n in terms of the American constituti­on, which straight-up forbids Congress from passing any law that interferes with speech under the first amendment.

But Zuckerberg is hoping for tighter European laws, as it is then easier for a platform to design a more restrictiv­e set of terms of use and not have a constituti­onal fight at home.

What we are seeing from both Facebook and Google is an epic public relations push to become champions of regulation while avoiding the imposition of rules that would damage their operating profits too much.

Facebook went to the extraordin­ary lengths of taking out “native advertisin­g” in the Daily Telegraph. In other words ran a month of paid-for articles demonstrat­ing the sunnier side of tech, and framing Facebook’s efforts to curb nefarious activities on its own platform. There is nothing wrong with Facebook buying native advertisin­g – indeed, it ran a similar campaign in the Guardian a couple of years ago – but this was the first time that the PR talking points adopted by the company have been used in such a way.

The 26 articles, which range from a meditation on technophob­ia to a treatise on how groupthink is the biggest danger to the internet, are emblematic of how much Facebook is adjusting its body language towards traditiona­l lawmaking bodies such as parliament and legacy press such as the Telegraph and the Washington Post.

This is a lobbying campaign in

which buying the good opinion of news brands is clearly important. If it was about reaching a target audience, there are plenty of metrics to suggest his words would reach further – at no cost – on Facebook.

Similarly, Google is upping its presence in a less obvious manner via assorted media initiative­s on both sides of the Atlantic. Its more direct approach to funding journalism seems to have the desired effect of making all media organisati­ons (and indeed many academic institutio­ns) touched by its money slightly less questionin­g and critical of its motives.

At a recent conference, Google explained how newsrooms could use exciting applicatio­ns such as facial recognitio­n to read the sentiment of a crowd. In related news last week, Google had to disband its own initiative to form an AI ethics committee after both workers and other committee members complained about the inclusion of Kay Coles James from the Heritage Foundation, a rightwing organisati­on which is associated with transphobi­c policies. Even self-regulation, it seems, is hard.

It is fair to say that the platforms do want regulation, but they want to choose the kind of regulation they are subject to. The recent changes to European copyright law, which place the emphasis for patrolling copyright on platforms rather than rights holders, were a stinging loss for the tech companies. It further demonstrat­ed that European lawmakers are making platform power their number one priority in terms of regulation. It is after all one of the few things all member states and all parts of the political spectrum can agree on.

When it comes to political advertisin­g, Zuckerberg toured both Europe and American news shows putting the case for new rules. Viewers with short memories might not realise that the same Zuckerberg had his company expressly lobby to keep political comms on Facebook free of the tiresome campaign advertisin­g rules that hinder the analogue world.

Traditiona­lly, there are certain messages which are exempt from carrying political payment disclosure, because it is impractica­ble. The three examples most commonly given are bumper stickers, pencils and skywriting.

But – handily for Facebook and Google – links, search ads and buttons on pages also fall into this category. Then there’s the new and different ways in which data aggregatio­n companies can be exploited. For instance, during the Brexit campaign ads aimed at securing leave votes appeared not as ads at all but as quizzes or competitio­ns, targeted at the demographi­cs most likely to be persuaded.

As the 2020 election cycle in the US looms, and the shocking mess of the Brexit referendum still spreading, it is fair to say we might have diagnosed the problem but we are perhaps as far as ever from a cure.

We are seeing an epic public relations push from Facebook and Google to become champions of regulation

 ??  ?? Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg in Dublin after a meeting with politician­s to discuss regulation. Photograph: Niall Carson/PA
Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg in Dublin after a meeting with politician­s to discuss regulation. Photograph: Niall Carson/PA

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