The Guardian (USA)

Chelsea Manning to remain in jail after appeals court denies bail request

- Reuters in Washington

A federal appeals court on Monday denied a request by the former US army intelligen­ce analyst Chelsea Manning to be released from jail on bail, and upheld a lower court’s decision to hold Manning in civil contempt for refusing to testify before a grand jury.

The ruling marks a blow for Manning, who has been detained since March after she declined to answer questions in connection with the government’s long-running investigat­ion into WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange.

A spokesman for Manning and Manning’s attorney could not be immediatel­y reached for comment.

Assange was arrested on 11 April at the Ecuadorian embassy in London. The same day, US prosecutor­s in the eastern district of Virginia unsealed a criminal case against him alleging he conspired with Manning to commit computer intrusion.

The justice department said Assange was arrested under an extraditio­n treaty between the US and Britain.

The US government alleges that Assange tried to help Manning gain access to a government computer as part of a 2010 leak by WikiLeaks of hundreds of thousands of US military reports about the wars in Afghanista­n and Iraq and American diplomatic communicat­ions.

It is not clear if the alleged collaborat­ion between Manning and Assange led to a successful intrusion into any US government computer.

Assange plans to fight the US extraditio­n request. Such cases, when challenged, can take years before they are resolved.

Manning was convicted by courtmarti­al in 2013 of espionage and other offenses for furnishing more than 700,000 documents, videos, diplomatic cables and battlefiel­d accounts to WikiLeaks while she was an intelligen­ce analyst in Iraq.

Former US president Barack Obama, in his final days in office, commuted the final 28 years of Manning’s 35-year sentence.

Manning has tried to fight the grand jury subpoena in the Assange case, citing her first, fourth and sixth amendment rights under the constituti­on.

Her attorneys said among other things that the district court had failed to address her concerns that the government was abusing the grand jury process so it could preview or undermine her testimony as a potential defense witness at a trial.

Her lawyers have also argued that the courtroom was improperly sealed during substantia­l portions of the hearing.

But a three-judge panel of the US court of appeals for the fourth circuit did not agree with those claims.

“The court finds no error in the district court’s rulings and affirms its finding of civil contempt,” they wrote.

 ?? Photograph: Facundo Arrizabala­ga/EPA ?? Chelsea Manning in London on 1 October 2018.
Photograph: Facundo Arrizabala­ga/EPA Chelsea Manning in London on 1 October 2018.

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