The Guardian (USA)

EU gives Nigel Farage 24 hours to explain Arron Banks funds

- Daniel Boffey in Brussels

Nigel Farage has been given 24 hours by the European parliament to explain in person his failure to declare lavish expenses funded by Arron Banks, an insurance tycoon under investigat­ion by the UK’s National Crime Agency.

The summons came just two hours before the Brexit party leader was spotted arriving at the US ambassador’s residence in London for a meeting with Donald Trump during the US president’s state visit to the UK.

Last month Channel 4 News revealed emails, invoices and documents suggesting that Banks had covered Farage’s costs for a £13,000-a-month Chelsea home in the year of the Brexit referendum, visits to the US and a chauffeur-driven car. Should Farage fail to convince the parliament of his reason for not declaring Banks’s funding, he could potentiall­y lose the right to make a victory speech in the chamber in July as head of his parliament­ary group.

None of the donations were declared to the European parliament despite the MEPs’ code of conduct stipulatin­g that all members must declare travel, accommodat­ion or subsistenc­e expenses from third parties.

The European parliament’s president, Antonio Tajani, had referred the matter to a committee of five MEPs who act as watchdogs over the parliament’s code of conduct. They met on Tuesday to agree on an unusually short deadline for Farage to explain the failure to declare the expenses at a hearing in Brussels on Wednesday.

Farage, who earns €102,000 (£90,000) each year as an MEP and received up to €700,000 from media appearance­s in 2014-18, told the Guardian that he had no intention of attending the hearing.

He said: “What is this but an EU kangaroo court where I am given 24 hours notice about allegation­s picked up from press stories?

“I will not be attending at such short notice. And if they try to bar me from the building, who else gives voice to the thousands of people who voted for me? Is this democracy EU style?

“I did not receive any private money for political purposes. This committee would better spend its time investigat­ing the waste of public money by well-known MEPs.”

A failure to attend the advisory committee’s hearing does not bring with it any sanction in itself but the lack of explanatio­n from Farage is likely to play a part in a report compiled by the MEPs over the affair.

The committee is set to provide Tajani with a recommenda­tion on any possible sanction once they have completed their inquiry. Their advice will not be made public.

Tajani will decide on Farage’s punishment which could range from a reprimand to withholdin­g expenses.

The parliament cannot ban an MEP from the parliament but it can suspend a sitting vote for a month from formal parliament­ary positions such as speaker, committee chair or leader of a parliament­ary grouping.

The MEPs had the option of seeking a written explanatio­n from Farage but decided to request oral evidence. Farage received a letter from the committee on Tuesday afternoon.

Farage, an MEP for two decades, was docked half his salary last year after being found to have misspent EU funds intended to staff his office. The leader of the liberal group in the parliament, Guy Verhofstad­t, has previously claimed that Farage is the biggest waste of the bloc’s resources.

Banks is currently under investigat­ion by the UK’s National Crime Agency over allegation­s of criminal offences by him relating to funding for the unofficial leave campaign during the EU referendum campaign. Banks has rejected any allegation­s of wrongdoing, and has argued that the investigat­ion into Leave.EU is motivated by political considerat­ions.

 ??  ?? Public emails, invoices and documents suggesting that Banks (far left) had covered costs of Farage (centre) in the year of the Brexit referendum. Photograph: Glyn Kirk/AFP/Getty Images
Public emails, invoices and documents suggesting that Banks (far left) had covered costs of Farage (centre) in the year of the Brexit referendum. Photograph: Glyn Kirk/AFP/Getty Images

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