The Guardian (USA)

US imposes new Cuba travel restrictio­ns including ban on cruises

- Reuters in Havana

The Trump administra­tion has imposed heavy new restrictio­ns on travel to Cuba by US citizens, including a ban on cruises, in a bid to further pressure the communist island over its support for Venezuela’s president, Nicolás Maduro.

The tightening of the decades-old US embargo on the Caribbean’s largest island will further wound its crippled economy as well as hurt US travel companies that had built up business with Cuba during a brief 2014-2016 detente under Barack Obama.

The state department said the United States would no longer allow “group people-to-people educationa­l travel”, one of the most popular exemptions to the overall ban on US tourism to Cuba.

The United States will also no longer permit visits to Cuba via passenger and recreation­al vessels, including cruise ships and yachts, as well as private and corporate aircraft, it said.

The Trump administra­tion had announced the new restrictio­ns in April.

It also last month allowed US citizens to bring lawsuits against foreign companies for the use of property confiscate­d after Cuba’s 1959 revolution, hurting investment in the island.

“The administra­tion has advanced the president’s Cuba policy by ending ‘veiled tourism’ to Cuba and imposing restrictio­ns on vessels,” said a tweet from Trump’s national security adviser John Bolton, who has led the US campaign against what he has called the “troika of tyranny” of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua.

“We will continue to take actions to restrict the Cuban regime’s access to US dollars.”

Bruno Rodriguez, Cuba’s foreign minister, said on Twitter the move was “an attack on internatio­nal law” and the embargo was the main obstacle to the country’s developmen­t, thereby violating Cubans’ human rights.

This is the second time the Trump administra­tion has tightened US travel restrictio­ns on Cuba. While the measures are designed to hit government coffers, they are also hurting Cuba’s fledgling private sector, which the United States has said it wants to support.

“This is another hard blow,” said Miguel Ángel Morales, owner of La Moneda Cubana, a restaurant in Old Havana. “Around 50% of our business comes from the cruise ships.”

US travel to Cuba had boomed in recent years, after Obama loosened restrictio­ns, allowing the reestablis­hment of regular commercial flights and cruise services.

The United States became the second-largest source of travelers to the island after Canada, with a majority arriving on cruise ships.

According to the Cuban government, 257,500 US citizens, not including those of Cuban origin, visited Cuba from January through March, with 55% arriving on cruise ships.

“He thinks we are just coming here as a tourist but you are learning so much. It’s ridiculous we won’t be able to come any more,” said Cheryl Kolar, 68, a retired nurse who had traveled to Havana by cruise ship.

“Cuba is the only country we are not allowed to go to. We can go to Russia, but for some reason Trump has something against Cuba.”

 ?? Photograph: RE/AP ?? Tourists who have just disembarke­d from a cruise liner speak to a taxi driver in Havana, Cuba, on Tuesday.
Photograph: RE/AP Tourists who have just disembarke­d from a cruise liner speak to a taxi driver in Havana, Cuba, on Tuesday.

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