The Guardian (USA)

Sydney's Inner West council fully divests from fossil fuels

- Lisa Cox

Sydney’s Inner West council says it has 100% divested from fossil fuels after a three-year process that began before the amalgamati­on of Leichhardt, Marrickvil­le and Ashfield councils.

The council is now calling on the New South Wales government to work with the big four banks “to develop financial products that will allow more organisati­ons to follow our lead”.

The council has moved about $100m over three years and is one of more than 40 local government­s across Australia that have taken steps to move out of funds with investment­s linked to

climate change.

It said its divestment included withdrawin­g money it had in products with the big four banks – with the exception of some longer term investment­s in climate and socially responsibl­e bonds – and transition­ing into other non-fossil fuel investment­s.

It follows a lengthy campaign by the environmen­tal organisati­on pushing institutio­ns to divest from fossil fuels.

At its first meeting in 2017, the newly merged Inner West council passed a motion to become fully divested from fossil fuel funds.

Leichhardt already had a target of 50% divestment before the amalgamati­on and its previous mayor, Labor’s Darcy Byrne – now the mayor of Inner West council – said the new council wanted to continue that process.

“The inner west of Sydney, sometimes referred to as the people’s republic of the inner west, is home to an enormous population of people who believe climate change is an existentia­l threat to society,” Byrne said.

“We’re determined that the inner west will be a national leader in the environmen­tal debate and that means making important symbolic stands like divestment but also putting our money where our mouth is.”

He said the process was managed in increments, and with monthly reports from council staff in an effort to mitigate financial risks.

Byrne said they had still faced challenges and Tcorp – the New South Wales Treasury Corporatio­n – had expressed concern at a meeting last year that it could affect the council’s ability to borrow funds from it.

A spokeswoma­n for Tcorp said it had a policy of “not discussing client work” and therefore couldn’t respond to questions, but she confirmed the agency was working with the council on the financing of its new swimming pool at Ashfield.

A spokeswoma­n for Inner West council said it wanted the state government to work with the big banks to develop short-term investment options that were not linked to industries that contribute to global heating.

Glen Klatovsky, the acting chief executive of, said Australia had more local government­s than anywhere else in the world that had committed to divestment.

He said Inner West, to his knowledge, was the first in NSW to manage 100% divestment because of the work and challenges involved.

“The council has a fiduciary and legal duty under the local government act to be careful with their investment­s,” Klatovsky said.

“Several have raised the issue of government­s and banks working together to create a fund that would meet this public demand then it would be much easier for Australian local government­s to deliver on their commitment­s to divest.

“At the moment there’s no financial reason that this couldn’t happen.”

Klatovsky said had worked with nearly 40 councils that had committed to divestment, but the total number around Australia making similar commitment­s was greater than that.

“The most interestin­g place is WA where 33% of the population is covered by councils that have divested,” Klatovsky said.

 ??  ?? Sydney’s Inner West council is one of more than 40 local government­s across Australia that have taken steps to divest from fossil fuel. Photograph: Dan Himbrechts/AAP
Sydney’s Inner West council is one of more than 40 local government­s across Australia that have taken steps to divest from fossil fuel. Photograph: Dan Himbrechts/AAP

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