The Guardian (USA)

The Iran crisis was created in Washington. The US must be talked down

- Simon Tisdall

In Washington, at times of stress, internatio­nal crises play out in black and white. As in a flickering newsreel from a former age, complex events are reduced to symbolic emblems of right and wrong. Grainy video images of “evildoers”, George W Bush’s favoured term, purport to show faceless Iranians acting suspicious­ly around a burning oil tanker in the Gulf last week. As new Middle East troop deployment­s are announced, US battleship­s are pictured bravely patrolling freedom’s frontline.

Monochroma­tic simplifica­tions of this type suit multiple purposes. In the present US-Iran crisis, they supposedly provide official “proof” of nefarious intent. They can be seen to justify escalatory US actions that might previously have appeared unreasonab­le and provocativ­e. They place pressure on reluctant allies to fall in behind the advancing American columns. Most of all, since democratic consent apparently still counts for something, they are intended to rally public support.

We have seen this badly made movie before. And today, as in 2003, it presents a shadowy, unconvinci­ng picture that no amount of White House manipulati­on and rhetoric can clarify. The fact is, the current crisis was conceived, manufactur­ed and magnified in Washington. It has been whipped up by a group of hawkish policymake­rs around Donald Trump whose loathing for the Tehran regime is exceeded only by their recklessne­ss.

The crisis has been building inexorably since President Trump’s foolish renunciati­on last year of the 2015 nuclear deal with Tehran, his imposition of swingeing sanctions, and a campaign of “maximum pressure” to isolate and weaken Iran’s leadership. It looks and smells like a crude bid for regime change. And although Trump insists he

does not want it, his actions could soon trigger another calamitous Middle East war.

That’s not a risk most people or states are ready to countenanc­e. And so far, at least, Washington’s parallel, virtual battle for consent and support is not going the way American hawks hoped. Mike Pompeo, the bully-boy evangelist who doubles as US secretary of state, rarely loses an opportunit­y to demonise Iran. Aware of post-Iraq scepticism over US intelligen­ce claims, he noisily insists, with a creeping tinge of panic, on the accuracy and veracity of his “evidence”.

Yet the problem for Pompeo, and fellow Iranophobe, national security adviser John Bolton, is that while most western government­s probably believe that hardline elements within Iran, or Iranian-backed proxy forces, initiated last week’s tanker attacks and similar incidents last month, they also believe gratuitous US provocatio­ns may have forced Iran’s hand. They don’t believe Trump when he says he merely wants Iran to act “normal”. But they do suspect the ultimate Bolton-Pompeo aim is a putsch.

The foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt, to Britain’s shame, has tamely applauded Washington’s dodgy video dossier. But the Europeans, rightly, don’t buy it. The EU backs diplomacy, not sabre-rattling, and is still pursuing alternativ­e barter arrangemen­ts to circumvent US sanctions. Russia, naturally, opposes the US. But China, in an unusually outspoken rebuff, said Washington’s destabilis­ing, unilateral behaviour “has no basis in internatio­nal law”.

Iran’s neighbours have serious misgivings too. The impulsive and autocratic crown princes who run Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, Mohammed bin Salman and Mohamed bin Zayed, are the local equivalent of Bolton and Pompeo. Like them, Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu is egging the Americans on. But next-door Iraq has zero interest in a renewed conflict, likewise Turkey and weaker Gulf states.

Nor is the US public, despite years of White House fearmonger­ing, fully aboard the “Get Iran” bandwagon. A Reuters/Ipsos survey last month found that nearly half of Americans – 49% – disapprove of Trump’s handling of Iran. Just over half – 53% – saw Iran as a “serious” or “imminent” threat. But 60% said they wouldn’t support a pre-emptive US military strike on the Iranian military.

Resistance to the US hawks’ pellmell rush to confrontat­ion is coming most strongly from within Iran itself. Its foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, cuts a cool and thoughtful figure in contrast to Pompeo. He stresses how unilateral US sanctions, especially on oil exports, do unjustifia­ble harm to Iran’s people and the internatio­nal economy. His is an effective pitch to global opinion.

Iran also points out that, unlike the US, it is in full compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal. This week’s warning from Tehran that it may soon breach enrichment limits is a calibrated response. It’s unfortunat­e. But it does not amount to “nuclear blackmail”, as the US claims, since Iran has no bomb and, according to the UN, is not seeking one. What it does amount to is diplomatic leverage with third-party states fearful of more Middle East chaos.

Iran is highlighti­ng the unintended consequenc­es of any conflagrat­ion, and the precedent-setting illegitima­cy, both legal and moral, of threatened US actions. And then, more dangerousl­y, there is its apparent, increasing willingnes­s to employ a measure of physical resistance, be it through military proxies or, for example, hardliners in the Revolution­ary Guards Corps. This is potentiall­y explosive.

It would be a mistake to think Iran is totally in control of its responses to this unfolding crisis any more than the US. There are bellicose hawks in Iran’s national security council, clerical establishm­ent and the supreme leader’s office, just as there are in the White House. Hassan Rouhani’s pragmatic presidency, the majlis (parliament), the merchant class and statecontr­olled media all represent rival power centres with differing views on what to do next.

Iran’s is a society under extreme duress. Sanctions are undoubtedl­y biting deep and patience with the west is waning. The risk is growing that, in extremis, some regime elements will hit out forcefully – and there is no doubt they have the ability to do so, in the Gulf, in Lebanon, in Gaza, and on the Israel-Syria and Saudi-Yemen borders. US hawks would say that’s exactly why Iran must be contained, and very possibly it should. But do they really believe, after serial past failures, they have the power, the will, the backing and the mandate to do so?

Reducing conflict to black and white images of good and evil is not only misleading. It is also delusional. Some now recall the Gulf “tanker war” during the Iran-Iraq conflict that culminated, in 1988, with brief US “surgical strikes” on Iranian oil rigs and ships. In US lore, those strikes taught Iran a swift lesson, obliging it to back off. In truth, Iran was already on its knees after eight years of war with Saddam Hussein. That is absolutely not the situation now.

Unnecessar­ily aggressive, ill-considered – and deceptivel­y presented – US policies have once again brought the Middle East to the brink of an accidental war very few want. America’s European friends, including Britain, have an urgent responsibi­lity to talk it down – and drag it back from the abyss.

• Simon Tisdall is a foreign affairs commentato­r

 ??  ?? ‘Grainy video images can be seen to justify escalatory US actions that might previously have appeared unreasonab­le and provocativ­e.’ Photograph: Handout/Getty Images
‘Grainy video images can be seen to justify escalatory US actions that might previously have appeared unreasonab­le and provocativ­e.’ Photograph: Handout/Getty Images
 ??  ?? A woman walks past a dove mural in Tehran. ‘It would be a mistake to think Iran is totally in control of its responses to this unfolding crisis any more than is the US.’ Photograph: Abedin Taherkenar­eh/EPA
A woman walks past a dove mural in Tehran. ‘It would be a mistake to think Iran is totally in control of its responses to this unfolding crisis any more than is the US.’ Photograph: Abedin Taherkenar­eh/EPA

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