The Guardian (USA)

Cardi B and Bernie Sanders team up for 2020 campaign to ‘transform country’

- Luke O'Neil

It might not seem the most obvious political partnershi­p – a Democratic socialist senator from Vermont and a Bronx rapper – but presidenti­al candidate Bernie Sanders and musician Cardi B have teamed up on a video for his 2020 campaign.

Cardi B posted an image from the forthcomin­g discussion, shot at a nail salon in Detroit, in which she thanked the candidate, writing in part: “Together, let’s build a movement of young people to transform this country.”

The partnershi­p with the popular artist is part of an outreach to get younger voters involved in politics Sanders said.

“The future of America depends on young people,” Sanders told CNN. “They are voting in large numbers, but not large enough numbers.”

The specifics of their conversati­on have yet to emerge, but the duo do seem to have a lot of overlap in their concerns for the country (and making money move is a type of wealth redistribu­tion after all).

“[S]tay tuned to see how he will fight for economic, racial, and social justice

for all,” she wrote.

Among the general topics discussed were raising the minimum wage, canceling student debt, and climate change, Sanders said.

The two have been circling each other on social media for at least a year now, starting when Sanders shared a tweet endorsing the musician’s thoughts on Franklin Roosevelt as “the real ‘Make America Great Again’ President”.

Earlier this month Cardi B shared her thoughts about Sanders on Twitter, writing that she was saddened by how voters had “let him down in 2016”.

“This man been fighting for equal rights, HUMAN rights for such a long time. Seeing this country become a better place been really his passion for a long time not a new front for a campaign.”

Regular critics of Sanders have seized upon details from Cardi B’s past as a means to smear both, something she’s addressed previously in videos. She’s also regularly shared her opinions on topics like the government shutdown and taxes. “Our country is in a hellhole right now, all for a fucking wall,” she said earlier this year.

“I’m just educating my followers, and I’m encouragin­g people to vote … I’m an American that pays fucking taxes. Since I’m paying a lot of taxes and everybody’s paying motherfuck­ing taxes people should have motherfuck­ing health care and free college in this bitch.”

It’s a message that perfectly aligns with Sanders’ own – though the language is a little different – and one younger voters will be encouraged to hear.

“She is really smart. And she is deeply concerned about what’s happening in this country,” Sanders said last week on Jimmy Kimmel. “She wants to make sure we improve life for working people in this country, and I’m delighted that she is a supporter.”

 ??  ?? ‘Stay tuned to see how he will fight for economic, racial, and social justice for all,’ Cardi B wrote on Instagram. Photograph: Randy Holmes/ ABC via Getty Images
‘Stay tuned to see how he will fight for economic, racial, and social justice for all,’ Cardi B wrote on Instagram. Photograph: Randy Holmes/ ABC via Getty Images

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