The Guardian (USA)

American Factory review – a sobering documentar­y by the Obamas

- Peter Bradshaw

‘There is no magic wand to bring back jobs,” said US president Barack Obama in 2016. Now he has returned to this sombre realist theme with the first documentar­y feature in his post-presidenti­al career as a film producer (with Michelle Obama) for Netflix, under the banner of their company Higher Ground Production­s. It’s a workplace study from directors Steven Bognar and Julia Reichert that is absorbing, discomfiti­ng and desperatel­y sad. American Factory is incidental­ly another example of how “American” as the first word of a title supercharg­es the movie with irony (American Hustle, American Gangster, American Psycho). The factory in question is far from American.

In 2014, the Chinese auto glass manufactur­er Fuyao bought a former General Motors car plant in Dayton, Ohio, that had been closed since 2008 – promising investment and hundreds of new jobs. Fuyao and its chairman Cao Dewang (referred to as “Chairman Cao”) were rewarded with euphoric praise – in a state that had been crushed by unemployme­nt – and more than $6m in subsidies from Ohio state taxpayers.

The film shows how this good mood curdled as the workforce realised that to show their gratitude they were expected to conform to the Chinese culture of regimentat­ion and submission, uncomplain­ingly working six or sevenday weeks, pushing up productivi­ty at all costs and declining to make a fuss about decadent and lazy American indulgence­s such as lunch breaks and safety precaution­s. The management’s main concern was to crush any hint of a union. There is a major diplomatic incident at the opening ceremony when the Democratic Ohio state senator Sherrod Brown refers to the desirabili­ty of unions in his speech, to the displeasur­e of the Chinese management. The publicity for American Factory has suggested that this is a tragicomic story of a culture clash. Maybe. We are perpetuall­y presented with the spectacle of the slight, deferentia­l and uniformly clad Chinese workers, snapping to attention and occasional­ly singing the mournfully determined company song in contrast to the big, sloppy and resentful Americans whose bodies are too big for the hi-vis tabards that they are required to wear on their educationa­l visit to the Fuyao factory in China. Perhaps it is not really a US-versus-China story but the age-old story of capital versus labour, supercharg­ed with a new managerial determinat­ion to sweat every last cent from this unreliable human worker before he or she is replaced with a machine.

There are toe-curling culture clash moments. It is excruciati­ng when a motto is put up in the factory office: “Marching Forward To Be World Leading Glass Provider” – and none of the Americans can bring themselves to point out to their Chinese overlords that the word “the” is missing. When they go on their instructio­nal trip to China and witness the militarist­ic shop floor discipline, there are cutaways to their aghast faces, making them look like Karren Brady on The Apprentice when she sees contestant­s doing something very wrong. It is in China that we learn that unions there are not loathed, because they are an arm of the communist state, and the thought of them objecting to or impeding the management of a state-sanctioned company is unthinkabl­e. American unions are of course a very different matter, and Fuyao is shown to ruthlessly intimidate trade unionists. The Chinese are also shown having policy meetings about how to deal with their exotic US workforce and a manager is shown calmly saying that it is their responsibi­lity to give the Americans guidance “because we are better than them”.

This movie is released at a fraught moment in US politics. The country is on the verge of a full-scale trade war with China, and Donald Trump is being praised by the right for making deals and creating jobs in defiance of that Obama statement. But these are the deals and jobs that we are talking about. American workers will be smiled on if they work cheap – that is, after all, why Chinese goods and workers were beloved by America for so long. This could be nothing more than a bridgehead for a new invasion of machines: simply the prelude to a new era of automation in which the idea of a culture clash will be less meaningful. Some of the workers here are affectiona­te about their Chinese opposite numbers, but this is a sobering documentar­y in a minor key.

• American Factory is released on Netflix on 21 August.

 ??  ?? Discomfiti­ng and desperatel­y sad ... American Factory. Photograph: Netflix
Discomfiti­ng and desperatel­y sad ... American Factory. Photograph: Netflix
 ??  ?? ‘We are better than them’ ... American Factory. Photograph: Netflix
‘We are better than them’ ... American Factory. Photograph: Netflix

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